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5/4/2016 6:00:38 PM

Alliterate Soldiers community members spotlight (HSKingRiot)

Every week we will be throwing the spotlight on one or more of our Clan members, this is to showcase our community and the clan as a whole. Each week we ask members to answer 10 questions relating to their gaming past, destiny experience and membership to the Clan. [b]HSKingRiot[/b] PVP Admin [b]1. Why did you choose that gamertag and what is the background to it[/b] My brother and best friends from high school, we all decided to make a personal clan group, we went with Headshot Kings, so hence HSKingRiot. [b]2. Why did you decide to join the Alliterate Soldiers[/b] About 3 weeks after TTK launch, I was going to quit destiny but decided to applied to 3 different clans, Millenium Milk said the right things and made me chose this clan over others. [b]3. What do you like the most about the Clan[/b] What I love about this clan is everybody is willing to help each other, keep it up guys, it keeps the game entertained. [b]4. What would you like to see added to improve the Clan[/b] What I want to see clan improve on is players playing pvp without thinking they are hindering the team, I prefer to play with you guys, than playing with 5 pros. To me you guys think about team, pros think about themselves, so please just join the damn team without saying I suck or whatever! [b]5. What is your first or main character including set up I.e subclass[/b] My main is my hunter, I've been a hunter since beta.. and gunslinger all the way baby! I never liked blade dancer, I looked funny swinging my fists at the air and only to have the enemies laugh at me. [b]6. What are your favourite weapons i.e primary, special and heavy[/b] My favorite primary actually depends on the map.. but for special, snipers all the way, landing those headshots is such a sweet spot! Especially when you have firefly 😈 My year 1 sniper Epitath 2261, I still have it in my vault, my first legendary as well, and it had firefly and unflinching on it and least aim assist of snipers for year 1, always took pride on that I had to get my kills, when people used the perk that 1 shot your toes and u died.. pfft no skill. [b]7. What is your favourite game type and why[/b] My favorite game type is 6v6 game modes, it's because there is plenty of action going on, anything that is 3v3 or below, I feel bored playing pvp, because I have to go look for those 3 campers. [b]8. What is your fondest moment from playing Destiny[/b] My fondest moment in destiny would be when I cleared both raids, and collected all exotics in year 1, I was so happy! [b]9. What keeps you playing Destiny[/b] What keeps me playing in destiny, honestly it's the clan, I look forward to next day to see what fun I will have with the clan! [b]10. What is the current in-game goal you're trying to complete[/b] Grimiore score, I'm only down to rumble victories! and max at 320 before the next content comes out.

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