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5/4/2016 6:25:28 PM

Alliterate Soldiers community members spotlight (Landowyn)

Every week we will be throwing the spotlight on one or more of our Clan members, this is to showcase our community and the clan as a whole. Each week we ask members to answer 10 questions relating to their gaming past, destiny experience and membership to the Clan. [b]Landowyn[/b] Raid Admin [b]1. Why did you choose that gamertag and what is the background to it[/b] In 1983, my father owned an Atari 800 and the first game I ever played on it was an RPG called Ultima III: Exodus. I created my main character as an Elven Lark Archer. I wanted an elvish sounding name and came up with Landowyn. I’ve used it ever since, including tabletop games like D&D and most other computer or console games where I get to name my character. [b]2. Why did you decide to join the Alliterate Soldiers[/b] The first reason was the name Alliterate Soldiers. It was different and after reading Milk’s description of the clan, I knew I just had to join. The second reason was that the clan used the GroupMe app. I’ve never been a fan of Destiny’s lack of realtime communication, and when I read that AlSo uses GroupMe, I thought, “That’s a brilliant idea.” [b]3. What do you like the most about the Clan[/b] The people that I’ve met. This clan has had some of the coolest, most helpful folks I’ve ever gamed with. It’s what keeps me coming back. [b]4. What would you like to see added to improve the Clan[/b] I’d like to see scheduled PvP Groups like we do Raid Groups. [b]5. What is your first or main character including set up I.e subclass[/b] I played Destiny in beta on the PS3. I then bought it at release on the PS4 and played a Striker Titan. I stopped playing after about 3 months. I returned after seeing previews of The Taken King and decided to give Destiny another try. Been hooked ever since. I started a new ‘main’ to get back in to the game and that is my Nightstalker Hunter. [b]6. What are your favourite weapons i.e primary, special and heavy[/b] I have two favorite primaries; the Hung Jury (EXPLOSIONS!) and the Monte Carlo. For Specials, I’d have to say the 1000-Yard Stare. For Heavy, I’d have to go with one of the coolest looking weapons in the whole game, and that’s the Sleeper Simulant [b]7. What is your favourite game type and why[/b] Raiding. The Taken King was my first Destiny raid. Normal mode was challenging and fun. Hard Mode came out and things just got better. I like a challenge and I like that every raid is a little different. Now that I found myself enjoying TTK so much, I’m excited to go back to the Year 1 raids and learn them as well [b]8. What is your fondest moment from playing Destiny[/b] Killing Oryx the very first time. It took 6 and a half hours. Everyone was making mistakes and dying and we’d wipe, but no one was getting mad, because we were learning. In the end, when he died, it was a great feeling. [b]9. What keeps you playing Destiny[/b] Connecting with my friends in the raid groups and everyone else in this clan. That will keep me playing Destiny for quite a while. [b]10. What is the current in-game goal you're trying to complete[/b] I’m currently working on getting the next two Exotic Swords (Solar and Arc). Practicing to get better at PVP whenever I can get with clannies to do so (Don’t like solo PVP) and planning to learn the in’s and out’s of the year 1 raids.

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