Guys let me apologize with the caps before I do anything else
Sorry guys about those caps
OK I've been thinking with all the people going around trying to diss this game and saying it's dying. It's getting much more frequent and with things like overwatch and other games coming. Shit even no man's sky coming too would bring more people who just wanna shit on this game.
We need hope.
I feel that destinys major problem isn't in the game but instead outside of it. Every other big game release is like a punch in the chest for destiny. But we are still standing which means we can get higher.
We gotta start spreading the word to random people who haven't thought about playing this game.
I believe if they join destiny will make some more money and since I THINK they got it in their heads that we want old raids back I think they'll use that cash and do that.
After this happens it's like a never ending fan blowing this game higher and higher.
So who's with me?
Vote the poll and start spreading this word
Apologizing because this post was looonnnnggg af