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Modifié par Psychic Donuts : 5/17/2016 1:40:19 PM

Did you get Uncharted 4?

Hell yeah








Hell no


I can't/I'm on Xbox only


Uncharted 4 released on May 10th. I, personally, have waited since PS4 launched for this to release. The reviews are high, averages of 9s and 10s. I've heard the ending is another perfect ending that Naughty Dog seems to pull off so well. [b]Did you get Uncharted 4?[/b] If it is anything other then yes, comment below so we can get you on board the hype train. [spoiler][b]Edit1:[/b] So far I am utterly disappointed in all of you. [b]Edit2:[/b] "Hell yeah" has the highest percentage. Faith restored. [b]Edit4:[/b] 150 comments, I hope most of you who haven't played it get Nathan Drake Collection and play 1-3 before 4. I am in Act 7 currently and loving every bit of it. [b]Edit5:[/b] I am on Act 12, I think, and I'm still having tons of fun. However, I recently saw a SUPER important cut scene but, I kid you not, the loudness of my PS4's fan really took away from the ambiance. It is sad because the Xbox chose more size and is silent over small size and loud, I agree with Xbox's choice. [b]Edit6[/b]: We have hit 400 comments. I am on Act 21, just before the end. This game is a masterpiece, the best Uncharted of the series and my favorite game of all time. I recommend playing the whole series as it is top quality. [b]Edit7:[/b] I just finished... wow. What a -blam!-ing masterpiece. The ending gave me such closure. It is easily the best game I have ever played. Again, I think everyone should get to play such a high quality series.[/spoiler] [b]Edit3:[/b] Uncharted 4 has now dropped for all of the world. [b][i][u]NO SPOILERS[/u][/i][/b]. Thank you for your time.

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