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Modifié par PROPHETxOFxDOOM : 6/6/2016 5:24:24 PM

"Gaming Friendships That Failed" Thread *Updated*

Me, i like to give everyone a chance but sometimes enough is enough. I recently added a guy top my list lets call him "Joe". Well "Joe" here was at first a genuinely pleasant person to game with. But over time he started to change, he would begin to call me derogatory names and put me down repeatedly after me asking him not to. He even wanted to 1v1 me in Halo 5 to prove he was better than me, and every time i killed him in game he would scream "AHHH" in the microphone almost as if me shooing him in game caused him real pain . It became clear i was dealing with a person who had 'Anger Issues'. Over the last couple of months i have had to deal with 'Fart Noises'. "Joe" was playing "King Ass Ripper" in the microphone for hours over his headset, It then became clear i was dealing with a person who had more than 'Anger Issues' but also a 'Maturity Problem' despite being 17 years of age. After a agonizing season of 'Farts In The Party Chat' a guy in the party lets call him "Trysten" said he was being ddos'ed. Being the nerd that i am i respectfully informed "Trysten" that a ddos would kick him off line possibly even frying his router, not make him lag. So being the wise ass that i am, i said to "Trysten" "Hay man i could ddos you so you know what an actual ddos does to your network if you want" i was joking at this point. "Joe" than said "You can't ddos for s**t Peasant" i began speaking random numbers in the form of a ip something like" 132.465.798" then laughably, "Joe" lags out of the game. Thinking he got ddos'ed he removes me as a friend and kicks me from the party. I always tolerated his B.S but this is just unfair but in a way i'm glad i feel a relief of sorts due to me not having to deal with his abusive attitude anymore. Edit: After "Trysten" found this thread, he and "Joe" got into my party. They were mad about this thread, and told me "Go kill yourself"

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  • My friend and I played Halo, and we came across a dude in Infection with whom we were messing around. He friended us and joined our chat. Turns out, it's a young kid. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind kids, but I do mind the ones that just talk nonsense and don't listen to me or interupt me.. I haven't blocked him yet, but he keeps sending me invites. And I accidentally joined his party with other kids and they all added me as a friend. >_>

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