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5/10/2016 3:50:44 AM

What if Bungie brought us another ARG?

So most true Bungie Fans may recognize these names: Ilovebees, Iris, and some newer fans to the franchise might know of Alpha Lupi, or The Alpha Lupi Experience. Now I know what you're thinking: "Uhh, Wicked, another ARG wouldn't make sense because Bungie only does these at game releases", but here's my catch. What if instead for a game release, it's actually a key into revealing an all new [b]Public Event[/b] or [b]Special Event[/b]. (SRL, Festival of the Lost, etc.) If Bungie did another one of these ARGs and did it for a monthly event reveal, how sick and badass would that be? Maybe even rewarding players that unlock a code hidden within the ARG with a unique emblem similar to the Alpha Lupi experience, and possibly even providing more lore to Destiny this way or reasoning behind the event! Example: New Bungie Account by the name of, "Toland" is released, using a custom avatar to reveal that it's an official employee/ninja account. He leaves behind cryptic hints such as, "The Devour only marks those it sees" and that phrase links to another webpage with a puzzle on it that has to be deciphered to progress. The next few days he keeps these hints popping out, providing us with more of a puzzle and having to work as a community to solve. Say after the week, we discover the event as, "Forge of the Gods", an event where we can create our own exotic weapon, name it our own way, and customize its appearance, releasing on, say, June 17th of this year. (Not real, just an example) Now the event wouldn't only leave us with a cool new emblem, and some excitement knowing we solved it and can tell about it, but it also provides us with more lore about Bad Juju: How it was created, what its main use was, etc. and even grants us with a few new grimoire cards. Now this is all just an idea, and a "What-if?" Scenario, but what if this is true, what if Bungie's planning something new? We may never find out.

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