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Modifié par Malphisto : 6/21/2016 11:06:44 PM


Continued from: Apologies for being so late, I know I said this would be up sometime over the weekend but I've been busy and feeling under the weather. (That's also a disclaimer for any grammar errors. >>;; ) I'll be PMing the link for this post to those from the other thread who were in support of this so that they know its up finally. Just to recap, last time I re-proposed the Guardian Council as suggested by Cozmo. Got a lot of good feedback from folks and have made extensive notes. What I present isn't anything written in stone, its essentially just me offering a "base" that can be worked with and built upon. At some point I'll be revisiting that and providing all the possible revisions that everyone put forth for discussion and what all should be amended. But for now I wanted to see about trying to push this forward a bit into the actual planning stage. Trying to figure out how the Council will function. To start things off, I'll be presenting another draft for folks to freely discuss and then go from there. First, its important to point out that this isn't exactly some new concept. Other communities for other games have also done something similar and they proved very successful such as the [b]Warframe Design Council.[/b] Of course, from what I have seen for myself the largest and most influential of these player driven organizations is the [b]Council of Stellar Management (CSM)[/b] from EVE Online: I would also like to present this article as well: For those who might question "why even bother having something like this?" the article above goes into great depth concerning the benefits of having a Council. It doesn't just serve to benefit the Community, but also the best interests of the Company as well. Now, do I think the Guardian Council should be the same thing as the CSM? Hell no. As others have already pointed out in the previous thread, there are plenty of potential problems that can come from this such as Council Members trying to further their own personal agenda, censoring certain topics and otherwise inviting a sense of tyranny. That is why I take this VERY seriously. I believe we need to be very careful with how we go about designing the Guardian Council and ensure that the majority if not all the power stays with the Community at all times. We can however use the CSM as a good starting point. Personally, I think we can do away with the whole notion of delegates getting flown out to meet with developers. That really doesn't sit right with me. I also don't like the idea of just electing someone and then trusting them to handle all the rest, more so when you don't know what all is being said behind closed doors. I mean it really hasn't worked out all that well for us Americans, especially in recent years. So how do we go about making this work? Obviously, a lot of this is going to hinge on Cozmo. If we're able to manage this and get the Guardian Council put together, the rest is going to end up being on him to motivate those at Bungie to actually participate. Because otherwise it won't be any different from what we got going on now. The CSM is really only possible because that company acknowledges it, a decision which has worked out quite well for them. That being said, hopefully he will weigh in on this and give his thoughts as well. I invite anyone from Bungie to participate in these discussions, I mean this is basically a joint venture anyway that is intended to build a bridge between us and them and advocate better communication. At any rate, this is what I have been able to come up with regarding how the Council will function: [quote][u]Submitting a Proposition[/u] Unlike the normal feedback posts you see, Propositions which are submitted to the Guardian Council will use the following template that MUST be included and filled out. All posts must also use the #GCouncil Tag, otherwise they won't be seen. [b]Title: (Should be the same as the Post Title)[/b] [b]Regarding Topic: (Choose One: Gear (Weapons, Armor or Both), Classes, Cosmetics, Gameplay or Bungie)[/b] [i]-Gear: If your Proposition is regarding Weapons and or Armor this is what you choose. It could you feel something is too powerful and think it should be nerfed or vice versa and believe it should be buffed instead. If you have new ideas for Perks or have a problem with pre-existing Perks, if you have suggestions for new kinds of Gear, so on and so forth. -Classes: If your Proposition is regarding anything related to Character Classes and or Sub-Classes. Supers, Grenades, Melee and Jump Abilities, etc. -Cosmetics: You get the gist. Want to pitch an argument that the Blue Flame from completing Nightfall should be put back in? New ideas for other various Cosmetic stuff for the game? Think there should be a Barber in the Tower that lets you go and change your character's appearance without having to start over from scratch just to go through the Character Creation process? This is what you want to pick then. -Gameplay: Quite literally anything and everything related to the gameplay, whether it be about Map Layouts, Crucible Modes, ideas for new Raids/Strikes or suggestions to change or add onto current existing ones, etc. -Bungie: Is your Proposition more directed at the company itself? Have serious concerns about the Micro-Transactions? Don't agree with the current business model? Think content is too overpriced? Turned off by certain decisions that are being made? This is what you would go with.[/i] [b]Introduction: (Give a brief summary of your Proposition)[/b] [b]Proposition: (Present your case and provide your supporting points)[/b][/quote] So it should look like this... Example: [b]Title:[/b] Bring Back Primary Elemental Damage [b]Regarding Topic:[/b] Gear [b]Introduction:[/b] I disagree with the decision to remove Elemental Burns from Primary Weapons and believe them to be important to the game as a whole. [b]Proposition:[/b] [Insert Witty Argument] (Apologies, I'm still sick. Frankly I'm surprised I've managed this much) Once a Proposition has been posted, the entire Community can then weigh in on it. You can either support it or reject it. If you reject it, you must provide your reasons why. Others are then allowed to respond with a counter argument against your points. Council Members will oversee these debates but not get involved. If all arguments against a Proposition are put down or a Proposition goes unchallenged, the Guardian Council will push it through. What happens at that point is that they will present it to Bungie Developers for discussion in the Guardian Council Forum. (Using the Private Group Forum made by Cozmo) Here, the developers can give their thoughts and the Council Members will work towards making it actually happen. Typically, its expected that the developers themselves will have their own feedback regarding the Proposition, at which point the Guardian Council will relay said feedback to the Community for further discussion and debate. The Council will continue this process until both reach an accord. Again, if anyone has any ideas for what to do differently or such, please feel free to post your feedback and I'll put together a list of notes. Also, I've likewise been considering the need for me to pick helpers to assist with all this. Considering this is 2 days after when I said I would have this posted, and the fact I've been sick kinda reaffirms that I can't really do this all on my own. So I'll be looking for a couple volunteers to give me a hand and help lighten the load a bit. [b]PLEASE DO NOT SPAM ME WITH MESSAGES.[/b] I had like 40+ PMs the last time... x_x

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  • Bump For Truth!!!!!!

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  • It sounds like an Elitists groupe with a direct link to Bungie Devs and nothing more. Since i am on Bungie net i readed a lot of great Threads and a shit ton of terrible Threads. But matter of fact is that a lot of them get recognised by Bungie and changes were made, in good and bad. A Council like this Can't and Won't provide Threads in the good for the Game or the Community in the Long run. Why? Because it is not possible that you Please Everyone in the Council or the Community. That means that maybe a simple Change will be discussed for days/weeks/months with back and forward over and over again. And at the same time you will find a random post about the same topic that will get the attention, befor the Council decides if they will provide the Feedback/Changes to Bungie. Another huge point why this would be terrible is the fact that You Can't decide what I like or don't like. You can't decide what Anyone in the Community likes or don't likes. And It Is Bungies Game Elitism! Can you to 100% Garantie not to act trough Emotions and to 100% not on your own? How can you expect that this Council would work when only a couple of you have the pleasure and rights to talk to Bungie Devs for Us All? For the Community And btw Bungie net and Reddit is just a small Portion of the Community The Bungie net needs fine tuning when it comes to post and Cozmo would need one or two more Community Manager Assistents to check the posts faster to Filter what is a real issue in the game right now and what not. Not trying to be an ass here but i think that this Group thingy is more an ego thing then trying to make the game better. Just my opinion

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    • I like your plan and ideas. I just don't believe Bungie gives a shit. Hope I'm wrong because I agree with most of your ideas and it would be nice to have a bigger impact with the community. Good Luck!

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      • Be for or against the council, whats truly important is that you learn how to get involved with others and work against shady business practices.

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      • Seems like a bad idea with good intentions

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        • Proposition: Fix the *#%?|^^> bugs before adding new crap. How many months has it been now that yellow bar enemies aren't counted for Gunsmith test weapons and bounties?

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          • Modifié par Chu Chu1167 : 6/27/2016 2:18:37 AM
            I absolutely adore the proposal of a community council to provide more focused feedback. The only concerns I have is what qualifies users as Council member quality, how do they get elected etc. It could be a double edged sword. We don't want the community to think that the council's members are nothing but "Sweaty Tryhards"or "Elitists" because then it would just lead to toxicity. I'd personally prefer that members either play all iterations of the game such as testing and thoroughly playing each update to the game to really get a grasp on all of the variables within the game. Obviously, not [b]All[/b] members need to play every part of the game everyday or anything. You just want to make sure that the Council members round out well as a whole. For example: A member with extensive knowledge of community feedback from other locals such as reddit, a member (or several) with prominent knowledge and experience within the Crucible and vise versa with the PVE realm from raids, to strikes, to patrols. Members pertaining to the overall gameplay sandbox, as well as members focused on future feature implementation feedback and so on and so forth. Either way, I'd love to see something come of this as I firmly believe that it is in "everyone's" interest that Destiny improve both as a game and as an I.P. from the individual game quality, to the media consensus and reputation.

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            • Modifié par sigma : 6/25/2016 2:31:23 PM
              Good job btw. Yet i slowly believe that Bungie won't let this happen. They read a Nerf Thread they look at some “stats“ and nerf something, instead of just looking at people who give valid facts for a Buff or for a Nerf. A Valid Fact is not if someone says “I die from that and that and other people also die because of it, Nerf!“ I want to see this “More and more people use the * Gun and it is more powerful than other Guns of the same Category because compared to these it has No Recoil, Easy Using, High Auto Aim etc.“ Only if i see such a Fact Bungie can look up at that. Or why again was the Sunsinger Warlock nerfed? Here a reason why it was unnecessary: If Firebolt would be Overpowered the Kill/Death Ratio of Sunsingers overall would be raising, looking at the stats from both years it shows that Sunsinger have the second lowest K/D Ratio of all Subclasses, Voidwalker is on the last Place. Hunters again have with all their Offensive Subclasses top places in these stats, while Bladedancer is on the first place and Gunslinger on the second the Nightstalker Subclass is just below the Sunbreakers. There was absolutely nothing to Nerf at the Warlock. It were these typical Kids who are not even allowed to play Destiny, nor Call of Duty, nor any other games. Its unbelieveable that Bungie even listen up on these type of Threads.

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              • Another bump

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              • I think this is a great idea. The people always begging for nerfs would have less of a voice. The council can look at the proposition and decide if they want to push it to bungie or not. If something is actually overpowered, better chance of it getting nerfed and community would have more say in HOW it gets nerfed. And same with underpowered stuff getting buffed.

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                • This is a great idea. You will have this player's full support and will have my full participation.

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                  • Looks like everyone is having a hard time coming to a consensus on how this should work. It's hard to get a group of people with differing opinions to agree on something. I'll try to address some of the legitimate concerns raised here. [b]IF[/b] this council becomes a thing, it won't change anything about how feedback is gathered from the community. Everyone will still be able to share openly on this forum and I will continue to gather up posts from here on Bnet as well as the rest of the community to send to everyone at Bungie. This theoretical council would not be given special treatment like behind the scenes info, or trips to the studio. They would be granted access to a private forum to present the feedback they gather and believe represents the communities interests. Their feedback would [b]not[/b] be considered more important, or the only feedback we consider. It would be an [b]additional[/b] way for the community to share their ideas with the developers. Good luck with the Council, I think it's an interesting idea and look forward to seeing what you come up with. I'll keep my eye on this and when you are ready to have me take a look at your plan let me know. Also, If you are someone who is still strongly opposed to this idea, then absolutely keep posting why you don't want it to happen. I always look at both sides of an argument.

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                    • Count this guardian in at least for providing thoughts on some things that I would like to see take place even if it's a small chance.

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                    • B U M P

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                    • B U M P

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                    • Thanks again for the post Malphisto!

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                    • Modifié par BRAZACK : 6/28/2016 12:28:31 AM
                      Screw the guardian will just be a bunch of tryhards dictating how they think the game should be. Majority of the time my voice is covered up by nerf cries and other bullshit. This council is a farse it doesnt not represent the common players.

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                      • If there is a Guardian Council to be built then there needs to be categories of where these representatives are put in biased on what activities they partake in most of the time. There need to be representatives for the PvE side, the PvP side, and the Solo play side. These three are the pillars that keep Destiny what it is. Changes from one side shouldn't go over and negatively impact in anyway any of the other pillars. This has lead to the biggest problems we as a community have faced where our anger is brought forth to Bungie. Now for the representatives being flown out and all that lets not even consider this to be a good idea but keep them as simply just those that are the info gatherers of their group that they are giving to Bungie. The one other thing for this is to be known is "time" how much time are we really willing to put into this effort. To go all in is not to be put lightly. Personally I now have quiet a bit of free time on my hands so I am free and interested to help out. I'm a mixed bagged PvE/PvP person personally.

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                      • Why are you heading this with only lvl 34 guardians? Just curious why you are even trying to be an active member to a game you don't fully support .

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                        • Bump

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                        • I agree. The idea is sound...if, bungie devs agree to communicate back with the council. The key issues would have to be voted on by the community members and council members, and then those important issues brought forward to the devs, by the council.

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                        • -blam!- a guardian council. Bungie is going to do what they want anyway. Why waste the time.

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                        • Why is this guy even proposing something like this??? He doesn't even play! Wtf? You people are sheep.

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                          • You can't be part of this council tho. Since you didn't even buy the taken king or nonetheless play it.

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                            • Modifié par JMT911 : 6/27/2016 4:50:18 AM
                              Doesn't make much sense to me... Bungie just needs to separate a 'poll's' section of the forums into categorys... AND THEY NEED TO ACTUALLY READ THEM and understand and consider the community's wants and needs a bit more. FYI..Just because someone writes a monster post with an idea doesn't mean its the right one... edit. Sorry bud, still an interesting idea. It could just be alot more simple thats all..

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                            • One of the most important things needed for this is that members still play this game consistently. If they havent touched the game in a month or so then theres a problem

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