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Modifié par FA Aras Cade : 6/22/2016 8:16:55 PM

Why create content that renders half of your original work worthless?

Ok, I'm one of those people who struggled with funds to pay for Destiny. I wrested arms away while grabbing Destiny at the Black Friday sale at my local Walmart. When the Crota expansion hit the shelves, I worked for months to gather all Iron Banner armor so I could be a good little lvl 32 like everyone else. When the House of Wolves expansion came out, I decided one night I could dive into my funds a little and purchase the expansion pack. I was quite excited! I played only for a short time though, just getting to barely under lvl 33, as something else happened in my life. I got involved with pursuing the fairer sex (which included working out and training for Spartan races) and I didn't have the time to play, so I didn't, good reasons all around. Months later, engaged and trying to find amusing past-times to occupy me as my fiance watches her guilty pleasure, the bachelorette, I find myself wanting to play Destiny! So I fire it up... Wow, 9 hours of compatibility packs to update... Should be expected I guess... Well, that is kind of frustrating, but I'll live. Okay, time to play! ... Why are all of my weapons only up to 170 damage and defense instead of the 300-331 (or 323 in the case of my Vex Mythoclast)? Oh, ok, other weapons are 300+ now, but only can be obtained if you are level 40... Guess I'll have to grind out some gaming to get a higher lev-- wait, I'm stuck at lvl 34? (apparently I've been granted a lvl due to experience obtained over the course of my hours and hours and hours of play) Well, that's annoying... well with etheric light I can upgrade to the-- wait that maxes out at 170 too? Ok........... That's wonderful, love it..... Obviously none of these things are a surprise to anyone here, but I have a few things that I've noticed that don't quite add up, even from a business stand point. $60 for initial game (not even counting Legendary or Limited editions) $20 for Dark Below $20 for House of Wolves or $35 for expansion pass. So until year 2, you would have paid anywhere from $95 to $100 for full content if you kept up to speed with the updates. $40 for taken king which includes the expansion pass... so now if you are not a loyal customer, you are rewarded for not paying the original price. Now you have paid $100 where loyal customers have to pay anywhere from $135 to $140 for the same experience... In so doing you alienate your populace and gain few new replacements, as most who wanted the game already have it. Secondly, you now have a new issue. The majority of the original game you have created you have made to be obsolete, as none of the content is up to par with the content you have recently produced, so you have "Taken" away the point in having it. Then, you decide to make all vendors unable to sell to non-compliants to force your players to buy your half-game and remove all but vanilla matchmaking for PvE and PvP, further "making sure" the content will be bought. But it hasn't worked. A few famous words come to mind: "From want of foresight men make changes which relishing well at first do not betray their hidden venom... The ruler is not truly wise who cannot discern evils before they develop themselves and this is a faculty given to few." "He who becomes a Prince through the favor of the people should always keep on good terms with them; which it is easy for him to do, since all they ask is not to be oppressed." Many of your loyal customers have moved on to other storied horizons, leaving you destitute of their addition to the community and their wallets. "... On the whole, the best fortress you can have, is in not being hated by your subjects. If they hate you, no fortress will save you." If you're wondering the source of these comments, Niccolo Machiavelli, from his famous work, The Prince. Why would I bring it up? Easy enough, what is Bungie's goal? World domination. Obviously, they aren't doing it correctly. The community of Destiny is dead compared to where it was before taken king, with a small flux of activity directly after release. All LFG sites have become ghost towns and your own LFG on this site isn't nearly as populated, especially on the older consoles and on the older content. If you want to do Vault of Glass to enjoy the experience (I have every piece of content from that raid, I just like playing it) you generally wait hours upon hours for responses and only from 1-2 people, whereas it used to be you'd have to fight the applicants off with a virtual stick. Your year 1 content can no longer draw a crowd and your year 2 content doesn't make up for the lack of scope your game should encompass. I thought I was supposed to "become legend" and explore the galaxy, fight the darkness, not get the game "taken" from me and become a "traveler" to other forms of entertainment, like finishing up my Bioshock Infinite achievements, or Fable Anniversary, something that still has all the content I paid for available.

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