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7/6/2016 11:38:27 AM

Can we just talk about the Nightfalls for a moment...?

Ok, so lets cut to the chase; the rewards from Nightfalls are so bad, it is laughable. Why is the loot capped at 330 when the Weekly Crucible Bounty nets you up to 335 Gear? There is literally NO benefit to doing the Nightfall, other than the fun of it, which is dwindling given the almost lightning pace that most can be completed, and the fact a wipe isn't what it was. Make the Nightfall double hard. Make the Nightfall the peak of 3 man Fireteam coordination and skill. Fix the rewards, and you'll fix Tuesdays as well. Year 1 Tuesdays were the best, I would rush home and join up with my buddies as we smashed the Nightfall 3 times before we did ANYTHING else. Got the boosters, perhaps a decent (at least [i]relevant[/i]) reward and off to Raid we went... Now, without that draw of Nightfalls being completed immediately, half as many people are about on a Tuesday and Raiding becomes less of a likelihood. Now, nobody rushes to do the Nightfalls, nobody wants to Raid on Tuesdays like the old days and it's all just a [b]massive pile of meh[/b]. You could fix it so easily, and one of the ways (as well as the rewards) would be the following, originally posted on another thread, linked below. What about if there were a number of different coloured flames, and one was randomly applied to your character upon completion of the nightfall. Each one could be linked to the boosters we get from Rank up packages. So a Blue flame = Vanguard boost (you may be more inclined to spend more time in Heroic strikes as a result). A Red Flame = Crucible boost (players who PvE might have a bit of an incentive to play a bit more PvP). A Green Flame = Prison of Elders boost... (perhaps it makes you try and solo the CoE or spend a bit more time in PoE Level 41). A Yellow Flame = Exotic Chance Increase by 5% (for players who want to save their 3oC). A Purple Flame = Legendary Item Drop Increase by 10% (useful for raids etc). I know I would make the most of these boosters, and they only have to be small but it would be something. If randomly applied so you never know which boost you're going to get it might mix things up for you each week. [url][/url] [b]TLDR: Nightfall rewards are terrible, what is the actual point? Bring back the rep boosters as well. At least bring the rewards up to the same level as the Crucible Weekly Bounty![/b] Thanks for your time.

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  • I think year one was so good because the exotics you played every Tuesday for were great. They have balanced it so much that no one cares about exotics. Most hope for God roll legendarys over exotics. Most people can remember when the gally or vex dropped but if you ask about year 2 exotic drops most don't remember when or where they got it. Make exotics exotic again. Give me something to go for.

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  • Just fyi The nightfall does drop up top 335. My friend got a 335 P&T from it, along with an emote package.

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    • You and bill make valid points. Let's hope rise of the iron lords comes with many changes.

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    • Gonna disagree, but with bias as a purpose. I solo them. "Lightning fast clearing"? Nope. Making it the peak of a 3-man fire team skill? Enough people aren't ignoring it already? I dunno about you, but I see this trend in the game... every time Bungie says "Okay, we'll make that harder" they manage to do so in the most tedious possible way. Let's crank up the ads, take away weapon power (and elements), reduce ammo reserves, make bullet sponges doesn't improve the quality of the game at all, it just makes it more of a, as John W. put it, "a chore". Look at PvP. Players wanted more challenge, especially in ToO. They cried to be matched with people of similar caliber. In comes SBMM and it's all like "HEY! We didn't want sweaties EVERY match! We want to have relaxed matches too!" It looks good in print to say you want things to be super hard, and I'm not here to argue with you whether or not you personally really do. I am here to say, given recent evidence, the player base doesn't. Nightfalls aren't unpopular based on difficulty; they are unpopular because once again Bungie "fixed" something that wasn't broken in the first place. Finally, you have hard level raids, CoE difficulty was recently boosted, ToO is, well, ToO. Nightfalls on most weeks, because of the silly modifier combinations, aren't worth doing to most people. This week happens to be easy. People largely hate Nightfalls at the moment, but the number one reason you see in print isn't difficulty. It's the rewards, because it's simply not a good return for the tedious time spent. I can't see how doubling down on the bad part makes it better.

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      • Yeah, I haven't done Nightfall in ages. Not worth it.

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      • It's not capped at 330. Got a 335 treads upon stars, 335 truth this week. Rewards a few and far between, but they are there sometimes.

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        • I got TUS with high caliber rounds braced frame and fire fly @335 I'm actually happy about my drops this week.

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