So with the latest news about RoI we found out that there will be an artifact that dramatically lowered the effectiveness of DoT, everyone is happy this is a thing because Thorn is returning but what no-one is talking about is what Sunsingers and other burn based abilities/Subclasses will be like. (Incendiary Grenades, Sunspots etc)
To be honest I think Sunsingers will get hit the hardest purely because the burn damage is quite low as is and with the artifact it'll make Solar nades and Firebolts completely awful and maybe even unusable. (Solar nades could still be used for add control but rip firebolts)
So do you think that Sunsingers burn damage should be restored to how it was before the nerfs? Or maybe just left as is?
There's like 10 new artifacts, right? But this single one will ruin an entire subclass? Exaggerate much? C'mon man.
Sunsingers will be very viable using the artifact that removes super but increases stats and gifts 2 fusion nades and 2 melee charges, now pair that with the ram.
That artifact shouldn't even exist at all it's just Bungie pandering to all the scrubs who whined and bitched until our ears bled because they didn't know how to counter Thorn and Firebolts.
Sunsingers are dead right now anyway.
Modifié par Ninja_Lazer : 8/5/2016 4:48:31 PMSunsingers aren't a thing. They are dead. Maybe they will be reworked for Destiny 2, and become viable again, but currently they basically don't exist. Just ignore that orange subclass node is a glitch. If you are a warlock, you can either be a Sith Lord with UNLIMITED POWER!!! or Goku with a purple Kamehameha.
well why just sunsingers ? hunter has smoke grenades with DOT Titans have melee with DOT
Hah, no. Fusion grenades.
How in the world can you complain about it, when ROI hasn't been released yet
I think they will return both sunsingers and thorn to what they were before. Just a feeling.
Not everybody will use that artifact m8-E
Sunsingers aren't the only class with dot grenades/abilities you moron.
If you have an artifact that gives you more energy faster for super plus storm callers skill that gets super energy faster with people together then they might need it. Which they needed that skill sometime ago.
Not everyone is gonna be using the same artifact
Fusion grenades doesn't care for a anti dot artifact
It also means smoke grenades won't be a problem though!
Not bad, will require skills to rely on your weapons, just like defender