I think of the star cluster, what do you think of?
[i] [/i]
I think of a gun
The rifle
My little pony episode 4
Modifié par Reggie_Wok : 8/10/2016 7:54:20 AMFourth year medical student
First the gun [spoiler]'merica[/spoiler] Then the car
The be first, then the rifle.
Police M4 holographic sights and extended mag 45' silencer
M4 Sherman Main Battle Tank
The gun
The M4 motorway.
A rifle
A bunch of crabs fighting for control of a sandcastle or something.
Asiimov. I think of Asiimov.
The World War II American tank.
M4 sherman
M4A1 Rifle, followed by BMW M4
-Car -rifle -shotgun -tank
Idk maybe the GUN
M4 Sherman