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8/8/2016 4:59:00 PM

[XB1 and PS4] *8-bit Nation* Recruiting Mature Players (Old)

[XB1 and PS4] *8-bit Nation* Recruiting Mature Players (Old) TL;DR: We enjoy games, we've been doing it since the 8bit era (and before) and we'd like you to join us. "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" If you know what that quotes from (its okay if you dont) then this is the clan for you. We love reminiscing about the glory days that were 70's/80's cinema. Origin Story: We started off as part of another clan, but had a difference of opinion on the use of racist, homophobic, sexist and bigoted slurs. We're mostly in our 30's and 40's (but have people from 18-99, oldest being 79), who like many mature gamers, feared the pervasive squeaker. Our clan has grown to over 200 members. Although the majority of us are over thirty, we accept anyone (18-99) that is mature(ish) and just wants to be decent to one another (read: respect) and play video games. This is a clan of men and women from all walks of life that are patient and whose focus is on tackling the end-game content of Destiny while having fun. Our Clan has taken on everything in the game, from VoG to KF/PoE challenge. We have sherpa's that love to help out people that are new to end game content. We also have members that love PvP and during Iron Banner, we have many full fireteams running at the same time. So if you have never done PvP and would like to try, or get better, we can help you with that. We also have some really good Trials of Osiris sherpas that have taken quite a few of us to the Lighthouse as well. But also know that we all have varying degrees of skill levels when it comes to video games, so be respectful of other peoples skills. Lets be honest hardly anybody is playing in the MLG. So lets not act like we are. Despite the declining player base of Destiny, we still have many fireteams and groups of clanmates doing different activities every night. Finally, as mentioned above, because we are all grown ups (we do try to be anyway), the main thing we ask is to be respectful to each other. Just be a decent human. Pretty easy. We won't force you to be active in the clan, but then why else join a clan if not to be social and meet new friends? OTHER STUFF: We have members from all over the world, but the majority are from the United States. We have more members on Xbox One, but our PS4 side is quickly growing to similar membership numbers. We also mainly use Slack as out communication tool for everything clan related. Hopefully that will change one day with better Clan tools on TO JOIN: If all of this sounds like something you can get behind (phrasing), check us out below. 8Bit Nation II 8Bit Nation III (NOTE: These links are to 8Bit Nation II and 8Bit Nation III because Bungie has set a 100 member limit to clan tagging and 8Bit Nation I is full, but, rest assured, because we mainly communicate through Slack, there is no practical difference.)

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