[i]I want to start by saying I did not make this Reddit post and the person who did worked very hard on it.[/i]
I'll give all of you a summary, then bullet points in case you don't want to read the full post (it's long).
Basically, he goes through every reveal trailer, vidoc, announcement, video, etc and cross checks it with the game, he has sources for everything. He found [b][i][u]many[/u][/i][/b] features had been down right cut out of the game. I recommend you read the actual post bit I will give bullet points:
[spoiler][u]-Misc. Gameplay[/u]
---No landing on asteroids
---No way to destroy freighters or fleets
---Freighters or fleets don't actually move
[u]-NPC Interaction[/u]
---Faction affiliation has been completely trivialized
---Faction rep means nothing for the world
---Faction rep grants no special rewards
---Faction battles don't actually exist in the game nor does any faction to faction interaction
[u]-Space, planets, and stars[/u]
---No ringed or sand planets
---Planets don't actually rotate in their axis nor do they orbit their stars
---Stars don't actually exist in the game, they are just skyboxes
---Moons don't orbit their planets
---You cannot scan it name ships
---Flight has been completely simplified
---All ships function exactly the same except for slot size
[u]-Trading, Resources, and crafting[/u]
---Trading no longer has any depth or complexity
---(there is a long list of things he has, you will have to see the Reddit post)
---Environment doesn't attack animals
---Animals don't attack each other
---The only way to interact with them is to walk near them or feed them
---Animals don't interact with the environment other than an eating animation that doesn't do anything
[u]-Planetary Surface Features[/u]
-Water plays much less of a role than was shown
-No crashed freighters can be explored nor do they exist
-(there is something about portals but I am unable to get far enough in the game to know what he means)
----Sentinels come in no more than four at a time
---Sentinels have a huge hit box
---They don't pose any real threat
---We all know about the 'multiplayer' controversy
---(Something about beacons but I don't know enough to 'paraphrase' correctly)
---Hacking doors is no longer in the game
That is my rough run down of his post. Again, I definitely recommend you read the real post.
I was angry at Hello Games for releasing an unfinished game but I am now merely sad for them. They had a very good idea and I feel that the marketing and size that Sony gave it. They are doing something way beyond their team size and I salute them for it. All I have to say on that is good luck to Hello Games on this rocky journey they are on.
Back to the point of this post. There has been a lot that was cut from the game. On top of that the game was shipped broken. There could be many reasons for these cuts but Hello Games has not responded to it so we can't know for sure.
[b]What do you all think about these cuts? Does it change your opinion on the game? What theories do you have behind them?[/b] I strongly recommend you all leave an upvote and a comment on his Reddit post.
Edit spoiler:[spoiler]If you guys find any spelling errors or discrepancies, let me know.
[b]Edit1:[/b] If you're here to bitch, please don't. Let's keep it calm and PG, guys.
[b]Edit2:[/b] Jesus -blam!-ing Christ this post exploded. Again, let's keep it PG and mostly friendly here. This is merely information sharing, not a flame war.[/spoiler]
[u][i][b]Edit3:[/b] I'm putting this one out of the spoiler because it is important. This is becoming a hate post. I was just saying information to start but it has come to people who like the game and people who don't arguing. If it continues, I will remove this post.[/i][/u]
Thank you for your time.
My first planet was awesome but it's been downhill ever since. My first planet was basically Pandora from Avatar. The plants actually glow in the dark too and there was probably at least 7 different species on there but now I'm lucky if I find one with 2-3.
Modifié par Tasty Dubois : 8/24/2016 12:28:59 AMAnd the sad thing is people say "Don't overhype games" "Just go in with low expectations" you shouldn't have to do that, just because majority of games are underwhelming doesn't make it okay for the rest to follow suit. If people want to get excited then let them. The attitude of the gamers don't need to change, the developers do
As somebody who watched very little pre-release material and made sure to stay as far away from the hype train as possible, I'm very much enjoying NMS. I'm the type of person who enjoys constantly doing stuff, so the game covers that niche. However, I still do find it disgusting that Hello Games would so blatantly lie in pre-release material.
I don't know ubisoft made NMS
Seems this game got Molyneuxed.
People need to learn to not have high expectations for today's games, because it mostly just leads to disappointment
That moment when OP presents straight facts and he gets blasted for it.
Angry joe gave it a 5 out of 10
You were so excited for this game too =/
Modifié par bFLY : 8/18/2016 6:19:20 PMLol why do people do this to EVERY game? 1.) Hype it up to ridiculous levels 2.) Pre-order 3.) Buy Game 4.) play game for a day or two and watch reviews 5.) Rage about the game not being as promised or having cut content 6.) fill the forums with the same raging posts for a month after the game releases. 7.) continue playing the game while still raging on forums and complaining about it for another few months 8.) New game is announced, rinse and repeat I'm not saying this post is wrong or right, I'm just laughing at the dumb pattern that always happens. I've never played NMS and don't plan on it, I knew months ago it wasn't a game for me. But this pattern literally happens to every game nowadays, it's funny.
That's what you get for getting on hype trains. How many more shit games will it take for people to stop this nonsense?
I did run into a hackable door, but my multi tool wasn't strong enough to open it. There was an abandoned building under water, as well as some save points there as well.
They are also backpedaling on the free dlc
Modifié par albinomachina : 8/20/2016 12:15:00 AMI don't own this game at all, nor do I think I would want to, but stuff like this is why I quit paying attention to anything anyone says about a movie/game/book/anything before it's actually released. I've just learned to judge something on what it actually is, not what someone tells me it's going to do a year before it's finished. But, most of the blame in situations like this usually aren't the developers fault. Most of the time, they fully intend a game to have all the features they hype it with ... then some suit in an office somewhere steps in and stuff starts getting cut. It's just the nature of the industry. Business vs. art and all that.
I'm honestly getting bored of it. My attitude in the first 6 hours of the game was,"alrighty, I'm going to go mining so I can get a really cool ship, and then warp to another place to find more cool ships!". My attitude after the first 6 hours,"alright, I'm just destroying rocks to get a ship and repeating the process. I just need to focus on warping and finding a black whole to go through". And honestly, I don't see a huge point to play the game if that's how the game is for me. If the game is different for other people and you guys live it then that's great, some people love it, Some don't.
The developers didn't hype it much, the media however, did. That's why everyone's expectations were high. Hype [b][i][u]almost[/u][/i][/b] always leads to disappointment. I expected a survival/space exploration game, and it's procedurally generated. That is what I got from it.
bump for comments
I found the game to be everything I expected it to be. I have played about 30 hours and have enjoyed all my play time. Don't know what all of you expected.
No man's sky is ass. I'm glad it's a failure
All I knew about the game ahead of time was that you get placed in a massive universe that is too big for us to comprehend. And I knew that you would be able to discover plants and animals and other stuff. But I was also assuming that there would be some sort of online play? Other than that I had low expectations and I'm enjoying the game. It's relaxing and fits into my busy schedule perfectly.
yea my buddy said it stuuuuuuunk. he took it back to gamestop after playing it for 30 minutes.
I once thought OP As a fool Edit three changed that.
Modifié par Doctor Electric : 8/18/2016 5:55:29 PMThis post is really entertaining me with the levels of salt it's putting forth. Learn to stop complaining and roll with what you get. Salt belongs on certain foods and in the Dead Sea, not on a forum talking about some game that didn't turn out like the deep Space Opera Sim you wanted it to be.
I didn't keep up with the game at all. I knew about three things before deciding I'd like to try it out; that you play in a procedurally generated universe, you can fly around in space, and that there's not much of a story. The fact that so much of the game claims to be procedurally generated already told me that there wasn't going to be a lot of meaty content. Therefore my expectations were already really low. When I finally did get the game it still felt lacking. After about forty warps and a couple of black holes, I've experienced nearly every bit of true content this game has to offer. Anything else I experience, aside from reaching the center of the universe and completing the Atlas quest line, is simply a variation of something I've already done. It would take a lot of updates or even an overhaul of some of the mechanics to get me back into the game. As it stands, I feel like the game is very bare bones.
So glad I didn't watch any trailers, read in depth articles, dissect every statement.... i had a rough idea of what the game would be, that was enough for me. That means I'm not disappointed, I'm enjoying the relaxed nature of the game.