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Modifié par Nike : 8/30/2016 8:11:29 AM

The reason why PvE lags so much. (Confirmed)

All the enemies have a red or yellow bar. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]

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  • [b][i]The Grind[/i][/b] ~ At times year 1 had the most frustrating grind in the history of gaming but it pushed me to do all end game activities on all my characters every week if not for raid gear than the slight chance of an exotic drop. ~ Year 2 has a non existent grind, obtaining all the exotics (which are meant to be special) is as simple as eating a few 3 of coins, legendary drops are as often as rares, and no gear fells truly unique in year 2. [b][i]Leveling Gear[/i][/b] ~ In year 1 getting the gear ex) Fatebringer was only half the battle, you then had to use it to power it up giving an insensitive to do daily bounties and the nightfall to get that slight exp bonus. ~ Now you just eat motes of light and max out a gun in seconds which is just lazy. [b][i]Nightfall[/i][/b] ~ I used to do the nightfall every week on all my characters hoping for the icebreaker or ghorn and if I didn't get it o well there was always next week I just wanted my flaming head and exp bonus. [b][i]Exotics[/i][/b] ~ The exotics of year 2 are terrible and useless the only exotics you actually see used in year 2 are the updated year 1 weapons and even they are just a shadow of the former selfs. ~ Way to easy to obtain, I remember fellow guardians holding the exotic chest cp in the vault just so people could have a chance at their desired exotics ... But wait there's an exotic chest in Kings Fall, however no body ever holds that checkpoint because it's worthless, I mean why hold that cp when you could just farm story missions that have an ultra with some 3 of coins? ~ Quest Exotics, half the exotics added in year 2 are obtained through quests which is a problem because they are so easy to do, in year 1 if you saw someone with a ghorn you praised them for the grind they endured or were envious of there luck. [b][i]Raid Gear[/i][/b] ~ The raid gear of year 1 was so much more rewarding to obtain once you saw a Fatebringer or a Black Hammer pop up on your screen you knew you got what you've been grinding for, However in year 2 the raid weapons are all but useless and for the most part only serve as infusion fuel. [i][b]Legendary Marks[/b][/i] ~ Now for those of you Taken Tots who don't know before there were legendary marks there were Vanguard and Crucible Mark respectively. If you wanted to buy that vanguard sniper but you were primarily a PvP player you would have to do some strikes. If you were a PvE player and you wanted a crucible hand cannon you would play some crucible game modes. ~ This is just my opinion the the new currency I like the separation between PvP and PvE. [b][i]Bounties[/i][/b] ~ I used to do daily bounties in hopes of getting an exotic bounty, but I haven't done bounties in months. [b][i]Gear Appearance[/i][/b] ~ This is just my opinion but year 1 had some of the best looking gear, especially vanilla destiny. ~ the Vault gear made you look like the vex Crotas gear made you look like the hive. ~ Year 2 gear looks so average in my opinion, especially the raid gear. [b][i]Soundtrack[/i][/b] ~ year 1 had the most beautiful soundtrack where as year 2 is an average soundtrack. These were just a few opinions off the top of my head please favorite this and comment so someone at bungie hears me if you agree with my statements. Feel free to add ideas to my thread. If you played through year 1 and totally disagree with my statements that's ok. If you made it through the entire list of demands props to you.

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