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9/13/2016 2:09:32 PM

The Counter Argument To Bungie's Defense Of "GHOST BULLETS"

Bungie is correct. Hand cannons are fine.


Ghost Bullets are real. Fix them.


[url=]The Original Response Defending Ghost Bullets, In Favor Of Bungie Developers[/url] In a gist, the defend that "ghost bullets" are an intended by product of the range and stability stat. This is complete garbage. First off, while range DOES impact "range" and "accuracy", this is intended for play in motion. What do I mean by this? I mean that if you are far away from a target, your active shots will do less damage and have increased fall-off with a lower range stat. Also, when firing a target from farther away, the chance your shots will "bounce" into place decrease as your range stat lowers, or is hit by other perks. Second off, stability DOES impact your overall weapon balance, but this is intended, again, for play in motion. What do I mean by this? When rapidly firing your hand cannon, you will notice a massive slam into or against whatever counter motion you are doing. Almost all of the time, this is a jagged and sharp increase UPWARDS. With lower stability, your handcannon slams into your face, and you must wait for it to re-position to fire again accurately. Higher stability hand cannons allow this whiplash to decrease, to the point where your hang-time between shots is very small, allowing rapid fire to be accurate. I can not stress this enough : [u][b]YOUR BULLETS SHOULD NEVER HAVE RNG ACCURACY YOUR BULLETS SHOULD NEVER HAVE RNG BALANCE IF THE DOT FITS, THE BULLET HITS[/b][/u] What do I mean by this? The finest argument for Ghost Bullets is the fact that the shot is not connecting with the target. If your range is low, ALL OF YOUR SHOTS should hit where the reticle lands, however, lower range means lower damage, and higher fall-off. If your stability is low, ALL OF YOUR SHOTS should hit where the reticle lands, however, lower stability means greater whiplash, and more down-time between accurate shots. NEVER SHOULD YOUR BULLET NOT LAND ON A RETICLE TARGET. Point in case, snipers. If you stand still with a sniper, and shoot a stationary target in the head, you never miss, regardless of range or stability. You will do less damage to an ultra with lower range, and you might have to wait an extra second with low stability, but your ADS shot always hits. _ _ _ In closing, if you, Bungie, believe that "realism" plays your argument for hand cannons, and support bloom and cone dilation of the shots, you need to keep your integrity and add weapon sway to snipers. Add a perk that helps with it, if need be, but you can't play the coin both ways. Even if you land on the edge, there must be balance to support it. #endbullshit #ghostbulletsarereal #fixghostbullets

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