Is there any hunter armor with the SAME/almost same stats as the "Ruin Wings" got for the titan ?
Or is it again an titan exclusive armor....
I mean: More HEAVY ammo drops with MORE content . Not just "more " ammo from the hive or the fallen...
I think if hunters got an exotic that dropped more(or just regenerated) special ammo, that would be more fitting.
Modifié par Sigma Whale : 9/27/2016 1:30:28 PMOnly if you give us one with an extra foh charge Edit here's a clearer response. When we get an exotic that doubles Lightning nade damage and range.
No, it doesnt fit the class
The raid arms are the closest you can get
It's an exotic perk exclusive to a piece of Titan gear... I suppose I should ask if there is a piece of Titan Gear to reduce blink cool down?
Armor? No. Hakkë snipers can drop with Surplus, which affects all ammo drops. They aren't [i]terrible[/i] rifles - average impact; more than Weyloran's, less than 1KS/Eirene/LDR/etc.
Modifié par Brokkr : 9/25/2016 10:10:21 PMNo. Ruin Wings are Titan gauntlets only. Now the Wrath of the Machine raid gauntlets have the "scavengers boon" perk which gives increased heavy drop chance from fallen enemies, and that perk is for all classes. But other than that the closest thing is getting the "surplus" perk on the heavy weapon itself which will provide more heavy ammo per drop in pve. Did you really just see the Ruin Wings and ask if Hunters had an identical exotic? Well for future reference the only exotic perk shared by all classes is "Keeper of the Pack" on the Crests of Alpha Lupi for Titan and Hunter and Light Beyond Nemesis for Warlock.
Modifié par RandalTheVandal : 9/25/2016 3:12:18 AMThe Wrath of the machine arms have a perk that increases heavy ammo drops from fallen
Does nobody remember Skyburner's Annex?
The raid arms do it for fallen
If you can get a special or heavy weapon with "surplus", it will increase all ammo drops, including heavy, and you can transfer it between characters.
No, only fallen specific heavy drops on raid gear.
It's an exotic perk exclusive to one piece of gear.
Modifié par YoCUNextTuesday : 9/25/2016 1:32:23 AMYes the raid gloves now have that perk Sorry didn't read the end of that post other wise no they don't