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9/30/2016 6:58:15 AM

Trolled by the Echo Chamber

I was grinding Heroic strikes yesterday, in the hope of getting some good drops to bump up my light level. I had hoped to get a Skeleton Key to hopefully finally get an Imago Loop, since I've never had one. We reached the boss and took him down before he could go into the middle of the room as he does after you take his health down enough, and a Skeleton Key dropped! I was like "yes, let's open the chest", and turned to do so only to be given the middle finger by the f&£king invisible wall! Those invisible walls should disappear after you kill the boss, as the visible ones do. It was a massive troll. I only wanted an Imago Loop, my have you forsaken me Bungl?!

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  • Lol. Bummer dude. Better off trying undying mind. I did it today and finally got a decent loop. The only two I've gotten prior to RoI both had shit sites, icarus and lightweight. Super disappointed. But today after costing me 3 keys and getting trolled the first 2 times with that ugly titan mark, I got a loop with sureshot rangefinder hammer forged and grenadier. Not spectacular, but sure as hell the best one I've gotten so far.

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