Dear fellow users,
A few months ago, a group of friends and I started a Fallout Map in Minecraft on the XBOX One. Though it started, for me anyway, as something small and just something fun to do in my spare time, it has grown since then. My friends and I have decided, however, that in order to get more people on board if we want to be done any time soon. So, consider this an invitation. If you are interested, PM me on Now, if you're wondering what the project is...
Fallout: New Michigan is a made after the events of Fallout 4 (BoS ending). It involves a group of oil hunting Raiders who seek to rule all of the Old City, and after they gain control of that, expand further? Who knows. The Brotherhood has gone to investigate, and what happens is yours to decide.
The actual story is a couple pages long, I'll send it to you if you are interested. Now then, the current main focus of our work is on the Old City. We have all eight of us working on it, however there are things outside of the city. The city is built to be a giant PvP arena, Raiders vs. Brotherhood, in a huge area with weapons, explosives, TNT, barricades, and more. The city is huge, and we have large land plots open with more room. Some things from the city include:
The Pandora's Gate Bridge:
The Train Station:
Caboose Tower:
The Oil Technologies Building:
Vault-Tec, Green-Tec, and Champlain Mining Company:
Red Rocket:
Unnamed Granite Office Building:
The Subway System:
And the Corner Stone Bar:
These and so many other things make up the map. Again, if you want to work on the map, PM me. This is being done on Minecraft: XBOX One Edition.
*disclaimer, this is not an official Bethesda post nor is it an official Minecraft post*
Le bump
All looks pretty cool
That's awesome
[quote] Minecraft [/quote] Kay.... [quote] XBOX 1 [/quote] Get a PC you Pleb
If you guys make a post nuclear Detroit that would be so cool.
Modifié par Auttumnnnn : 10/31/2016 1:58:51 AMLooks pretty cool. (: Makes me want to play Minecraft.
Ewwww. Minecraft.
So in other words, just like normal Michigan?
Why not just mod fallout 4 instead of that shitty game?
Self Bump
Lansing, Detroit, Albion, Adrien, Jackson, Pontiac, Grand Ledge, Flint? What city or town?