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Modifié par Tartan 118 : 6/8/2016 5:35:00 PM

Instead of Skyrim Remastered, why not...

Hell to the yes


No, Skyrim belongs to th- uh, should be remastered


Pancakes (obligatory xD random option)


The Elder Scrolls Anthology on consoles? There's already one for PC, and I've no doubt many of the whippersnappers never touched the first four games. I certainly never touched the first three. Skyrim's cool and all, but what would you rather have? One game from five years ago looking a bit prettier, or five enormous* games in one package? I know which I'd take. [spoiler]*Was Arena big? I'm pretty sure Daggerfall was massive, but procedurally-generated.[/spoiler] This got downvoted? -blam!-ing kids.

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