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Modifié par FaceMcShooty : 11/15/2016 9:15:42 AM

Void Exotic weapon suggestion

Void type damage is severely lacking representation in exotic weapons, and I think it should get some more representation: Event Horizon -- void sniper rifle 1000yd stare base stats. When activated by [i]precision[/i] kills, the Event Horizon perk is the anti-firefly, momentarily pulling enemies towards a void singularity, doing minimal damage but instantly stripping any nearby void shields. A toggle between the two final perks: sacrificing magazine size from 4 to 3 increases the size and strength of the singularity, or allow it to activate after [b]any[/b] kill. Asmodai's Hunger -- void machine gun, bonekruscher base stats. In lieu of crowd control, increase fire rate and range upon kill. Further emmulating the gun's empowerment through soul (or light) consumption, each successive kill adds ammo to the magazine (to keep it from being overpowered, however, it starts with a small magazine and has diminishing returns, i.e. first kill adds 5 bullets, second kill adds 4, etc). This gun should be the closest embodiment of evil, perhaps the story of a corrupted guardian? I recognize all major content for destiny has been exhausted until Destiny 2 is released, so I don't really expect it to happen. These guns would also only be good for adds/crucible but they'd be fun to try out. Anyone have other void exotics ideas?

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