Which bioshock game is your favorite.
Unpopular opinion here but 1. Infinite 2. BioShock 2 3. BioShock
2 for me, but then I played 2 before I played 1 so....
Bioshock. The other two don't even compare.
I liked BioShock 1 and 2. Infinite was okay. I did not like the MP in BS2. It felt like it was tacked on at the last minute. No balance that I could see, and if someone took a picture of you during the match they could do bonus damage against you which made zero sense. And if that guy was really really good you had almost no hope of taking him down.
I'm not sure yet. I'm currently playing through the collection. I played Infinite when it came out and loved it. But not the rest. I'm 2/3 through the first game and loving it. But the hacking is very repetitive and combat kinda eh sometimes. Outside of those 2 points it's fantastic
I have to say the first. The gun mechanics aren't all that great, but who needs them when you have Wrench Jockey 2, Frozen Field 2, and Bloodlust? Besides when you fight a big daddy. It's just such a massive throwback and I'm still amazed when the projector screen falls, Rapture is revealed, and Andrew Ryan says [i]"Rapture!"[/i]. I just do wish the guns were better. The way it goes, once you find the shotgun there's nothing better, especially since it has both shock rounds and incendiary rounds. Though the chemical thrower is pretty great when fully upgraded, well the Electric gel that is. The game just makes the Electric damage better than most. Hell, I found myself using anything with electricity the most on the Hardest Difficulty, the one-two punch combo is just great.
Infinite. Loved the story, gameplay, settong, and characters more than in the first, and Bioshock blew me away the first time through.
2 was the best, imo. Couldn't really tell you why, but playing all three of them in a relatively short time period, it was my favorite. ^-^ [spoiler]though the first had one of the best plot twists ever.[/spoiler]
Modifié par weirdboy99 : 1/3/2017 5:44:05 AMBioshock 1. Bioshock 2 was good as well, but Infinite wasn't a Bioshock game at all, it was CoD is disguise. No exploration, 2 weapons max, no intresting abilities, boring weapon upgrades and too many shooting galleries. You know, just like any other generic FPS.
Modifié par SeneschalGrigori : 1/3/2017 7:52:07 PMFirst one While everyone else liked it I didn't really want to be a Big Daddy and really liked all the various plasmids of the first. Infinite felt more like a regular shooter than anything. Only sometimes you got to ride around on a rail system (that made absolutely no sense to have for some of the rail segments)
Bioshock 2 >Better gameplay that heavily improved from the first >story was decent >Didn't reuse any areas from the first game and introduced new characters It's a shame that its so underrated really. It may not have been that scary compared to the first but it certainly makes up for it with its fun gameplay.
First and last of any series (much like children) are always getting more attention than the middle child. Bioshock 2 is the only bioshock with multiplayer. Capture the sister (not lilicon i swear) was a fun game mode especially with spawning as the big daddy. Bioshock 2 is the only one to have you play as a big daddy. This means the powerful harpoon guns and DRILL BUILD. Bioshock 2 also has a good story on its own with its little sister mechanic being applied to the protagonist plot and seeing your little sister become a fearsome big sister.
The first Bioshock was just so perfect. 10/10.
First one was my personal favorite, nailed it with the theme and the weaponry Second one was excellent, and I also enjoyed the multiplayer. Shed the horror element unfortunately, and it still hasn't recovered. Mechanically speaking, Infinite was very good and the Bioshock atmosphere was still there. Had to check out of the story about halfway through because it made no sense. Weapons were at their lamest in this one and the protagonist didn't interest me. The games have their ups and downs, but Bioshock is probably one of my all-time favorite game series. Love the psychotic violence and the dark, unique setting.
1 because it was the best. 2 was alright and Infinite kinda sucked ass. But the DLCs for Infinite and 2 were pretty damn good
Honestly the second Bioshock has the best story out of all three IMO.
From what I've actually watched, Infinite was pretty damn good, especially how they connected Infinite's "end" to the previous game.