[i]So little space![/i]
[b]You know where this is going.[/b]
We need more space for bounties. So many good ones to do nowadays. No XP waste. Just give us an extra row.
16 slots are more than enough
There is plenty of space for all bounties
Or, you know, do bounties and turn them in as you do sets of them. No need to hold crucible bounties if you are doing strikes, no need to grab all the vanguard bounties if you are only doing random strikes, no need to grab strike and crucible bounties if you are doing patrols. Maybe learn to use your time and inventory efficiently.
yeah i know where this is going, another lazy bum who doesnt want to put in the effort! bungo jus lemme hoard em all until i feeeeeeeel like doin em! back in MY day we only had FIVE bounty slots, with exotic bounties too! uphill! in the snow! both ways!
Most Bounty production jobs have gone to India (68:1 US Dollar/Rupee exchange rate) and Thailand (37:1 Thai Baht).....and to a lesser extent Mexico (21:1 Peso), thanks to NAFTA. Thus, Bounty storage space has become a commodity if you want to think about it that way. Go even deeper and you'll find sharp political divide between Bounty hoarders and Bounty non-users. Think about it. You have only yourself and/or your parents' voting habits to blame. Not get back out there Guardian..........there are new ballot booths at the Tower and Reef for those who have reached majority age.
We used to be able to carry far fewer and have to return to the tracker to turn them in. The systems not perfect but far better than what it was.
Modifié par Bubbles (Adept) : 1/6/2017 9:37:37 PMYou ever heard of finishing all your bounties?
Too many bounties sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G . First comes the start then comes the grind and finally we figure out it's a useless bounty cause they capped gear for factions at 390 so only the bounties from Vanguard are actually special now.
I only really grab pvp bounties, or the new nightfall bounties if I even do the nightfall. Either way, I still don't see why we can't have pages for bounties.
i know one time i had to delete a almost done gold tier trials bounty