February 2017 shows that Sony is serious about gaming. This sidescrollers is quite good. If you never played it. I highly recommend it. Even adults can enjoy it. I know what some people will say. That this is for kids, but trust me, looking for all the costumes and hunting for all trophies is hell of a lot of fun. I remember doing it back in the day on Littlebigplanet 1, and it was a hell of a good time.
[quote]LittleBigPlanet 3 is available for all PS Plus members this month. This is one of the most imaginative games on PlayStation, full of platforming adventure and excitement. After you’ve explored the Imagisphere, flex your creative muscle and bring your own imagination to life or play one of the millions of original creations from the LBP Community.
We are also offering Not a Hero, because sometimes you just want to blast the criminal underworld to bits. Play as Steve, a professional assassin turned amateur campaign manager as he cleans for his boss, an anthropomorphic rabbit and mayoral candidate from the future named BunnyLord. Run, jump, shoot, and cut your way through this white-knuckle campaign.
Full lineup:
LittleBigPlanet 3 // PS4
Not a Hero // PS4
Starwhal // PS3, cross buy with PS4
Anna — Extended Edition // PS3
Ninja Senki DX // PS Vita, cross buy with PS4
TorqueL // PS Vita, cross buy with PS4
A ton of gaming fun for such a short month. Enjoy![/quote]
Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2017/02/01/ps-plus-free-games-for-february-2017/
Never cared or liked LBP but I'll grab the license while its free.
LBP is not a game I enjoy, but i do wish wish they'd get back to giving out these better games again. Where's Killzone Shadow fall or Infamous Second Son, or any number of 1st or 2nd party games. I'm getting tired of all these indie games, good or not.
It's good but eh. I heard that Sniper Elite 3 is going to be GWG on Xbox this month so I'm going to pick up that.
Sony finally gave you a game that isnt hot garbage, but its for kids. 😭 Xbox actually gives games that people are willing to play.
I'll end up adding it to my library like I do with all the free games but this one I'll probably never play. I've simply never been into LBP, it's just not for me, like Pokemon.
LBP1 was a big part of my childhood. I played the crap out of that game. Kinda sad that I don't have a PS3 any more. If I did I would play so much LBP2
Modifié par Murph Tha Smurf : 2/7/2017 12:47:37 PMLBP3 lasted a week or two.
I might get Ninja Senki DX, the others don't interest me. LittleBig Planet was never interesting to me.