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2/14/2017 6:02:22 PM

Hungering Blade Clarification for Hotfix Patch Notes

We just launched [b]Hotfix[/b] which contains a Sandbox tuning pass and changes to the Crucible. If you want an in-depth exploration into some of these changes you can watch our [url=]live fire demonstration here[/url]. For those interested in the bullet points we have the full [url=]Patch Notes[/url] up as well. In the interest of full transparency, we do need to clarify something in this update. Our test team discovered that the changes to the Blade Dancer Perk Hungering Blade were being applied to several other Health Regen Perks. Here is a quote from Sandbox designer Josh Hamrick. [quote]Over the last couple of days, as we continued to test the patch, it came to our attention that the changes we made to Hungering Blade were unintentionally shared among a number of additional elements (list below). While we considered delaying the hotfix to remove the shared change, we ultimately decided to live with the patch we’d made and tested. We believe that Hotfix is an important step forward to maintain the health of the game and that getting it out to you ASAP is in everyone's best interest. And besides, no one wants to show up empty handed on Valentine’s day. List of affected elements: • Hungering Blade (Arc Hunter) • Transfusion (Striker Titan) • Cauterize (Sunbreaker Titan) • Lifesteal (Voidwalker Warlock) • Red Death perk • Suros Legacy Perk (Suros Regime) • No Backup Plans • Ward of Dawn cast • The Ram • Apotheosis Veil • Embrace the Void (Voidwalker Warlock) Over the next couple of weeks, we will be diligently watching and listening to what you have to say about these changes. While we will be unsurprised if additional tweaks need to be made, we are honestly super interested to see how these changes, intended or not, play out. We will be relying on you to give us your feedback as you grow accustomed to the feel of the game over the next couple of weeks. We will also be with you ingame, playing along and making our own notes… Apparently, I have to redeem myself for my stream performance anyway. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a 1st date with a potential Skorri fix… [/quote]

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  • Modifié par spitdeath455 : 4/4/2017 10:18:14 AM
    Ypur on battle...You fired a number of rounds, moved rapidly away from the threat area as it became too hot and found cover in what appears to be a defensible position. With a racing heart and shaking hands you scan the immediate area, but don’t see any imminent threats. The situation is quiet at the moment. The situation is quiet at the moment, but you don’t know if the threat is truly over. What you do know is that you fired a number of rounds and aren’t sure how many remain in the gun. Common sense says getting that gun fully recharged—immediately—is an excellent idea. And retaining the partially expended magazine, in case it’s needed later, is also smart. So you pop in new clip but for some reason you have to chamber it even though it should have a live round still in it? The gun use is weak like go to a gun range or shoot your neighbor you'll see its super handy.

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