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3/24/2017 10:53:01 PM
lol pvp'rs whining like thats a first... you should see the crap on the pve side... absolute joke and guess what the NEW update your gonna be hunting light, all your old weapons are going to need a new shard of sorts to upgrade.. dont give us more to do, make us do more like we all have 5 hrs a day to keep up with your crap already, he77 you cant find a place to get bounties done in a reasonable time to many morons who will run and cut you off, you have to fight the players to get them done... and im going to sit still for another full weapon upgrade light earning process... rrrriiiiggggghhhhttttt i am, and it bears and weighs heavy on the wallet when it comes to forking out another 90$ for another version of this bull.. after watching the roll out a freakin FASHION SHOW??? are your freaking serious???? how about building a game stop making us build our players to rediculous standards almost impossible to obtain... none of the crucible firearms get dropped in game...or rare if they do, you sell a story mode but force a pvp on your customers STOP IT!!!

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