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Modifié par bip : 6/19/2017 9:48:31 PM

Can we all at least agree Bethesda is a terrible publisher, if not also a terrible developer?

•Skyrim still has dozens of game breaking bugs that the modding community fixes years ago. Bethesda's too busy making more ports of Skyrim to care. •Bethesda refuses to give review copies to reviewers until 24 hours before launch. •Dishonored 2 had a shoddy PC port, which we didn't discover until it was too late due to said review policy. •Paid mods are back, despite having failed miserably in the past. •Console mods were announced a few weeks after Fallout 4, yet didn't release until a year later. Meanwhile Bethesda was praised for announcing F4 so close to launch. •Fallout 4 also launched in a broken and buggy state, despite Bethesda studio employing many developers with decades of experience. The Witcher 3 launched the same year, made by a studio made up of a lot of people whose only experience in development was the previous 2 Witcher games, yet it was far more polished both in terms of visuals and gameplay. •Fallout 4's expansion pass got a massive price bump, despite Bethesda at the time having no idea what they would make to justify this. •The extra DLC they released to justify the price bump were 2 minor town building DLCs and 1 actual expansion. •Bethesda locks achievements if you mod in Fallout 4, even on PC where you can use console commands to easily breeze through the game and get every achievement without any challenge. •Todd Howard. Edit: I wanna address some common arguments. [quote]Bugs are common in Bethesda games, why are you bothered by that?[/quote] Bugs shouldn't be considered something not to complain about due to how many there are. If I said "There's so many microtransactions in Ubisoft games, why are you still mad about it?" Would you think that's a suitable excuse? [quote]Why are you against modders making money?[/quote] I'm not. However, last time paid mods happened, Bethesda and Valve took a huge majority of the profits, making it pretty difficult for modders to turn any sort of profit. [quote]Paid mods will work this time![/quote] I hope they do. I hope there's great administration over the system, and the modders get a fair sum of money, and we get amazing content as a result. But the shockingly broken previous implementation of the system does not give me high hopes.
#Gaming #bethesda

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  • Idk I completely disagree I haven't found a game with Bethesda's name on it that I haven't absolutely loved. Skyrim is one of my favorite games of all time. And from other people's opinions morrowind and oblivion are even better. Dishonored is my favorite game of all time and dishonored 2 was a stellar sequel. I loved Wolfenstein a new order and the old blood and excited for the new one. I've only played fallout 4 but I thought it was quite good and a refreshing new atmosphere. I've never played doom before but heard good things. The only thing that wasn't stellar that Bethesda made and ive played is elder scrolls online. But still they have a nearly flawless record in my opinion

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  • lolhesda has never made an adequate game

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    • Modifié par Satanic Mechanic : 6/19/2017 8:36:12 PM
      You [i] could[/i] make a good augment...but you didn't do that... Bethesda games are always buggy... asking if a BGS game will have bugs is like asking if water is wet... Skyrim ports are for different platforms...switch and vr... complaining about them targeting new players is petty... Youre complaining about them being a shitty publishing company yet you could only find one game that had a bad release on one system to put in your post...if that's the best you can come up considering doom DH1 DH2 on Xbox PS The evil within Wolfenstein I'd think one hiccup is forgivable It's NOT paid mods since all mods can still be uploaded and downloaded for free if the author wants to... they are making new content in house with SOME modders that want to get paid...there is a HUGE gap you gotta jump through to get a mod made and be sold... One of the biggest complaints about Skyrim and fo4 was lack of good dlc so they try and fix that by adding in new official content and you bitch about it... The fact you're bitching about how long it took to get mods on console tells me you just like to bitch...they added in a service they didn't have to for free instead of being happy it happened you bitch about either took longer than expected to get it working or they wanted you to play the base game and get all the dlc before mods came out... And fo4 followed the (what seems to be the new normal) dlc model for bgs games 2 major dlcs and then some stupid shit...fo4 just had 4 stupid dlcs instead of the 1 like Skyrim... If you don't like the games they make or publish don't buy them...

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      • Bump

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      • You know a good game Bethesda released? RAGE. And then they abandoned the project for the second one that honestly had the most potential out of anything.

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        • I like the games. I can agree their business practises have left me a little cold recently...

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        • I mostly agree save for a few points. For one thing i dont think trying to make the paying for mod system work is a bad thing, many mods take a lot of time and resources to make, and people deserve to be compensated for that work if they so choose, and they deserve to give it away for free if they so choose as well. Also just because it didnt work out the first time doesnt mean they couldnt get it right the second time, it is possible for them to learn from past mistakes. The giving out review copies only 24 hours ahead of time kind of makes sense since you dont exactly want to give away the entirety of your game, though i would say perhaps there is a better way of doing this perhaps in the form of demos rather then full review copies of the game. Then there is your complaint about mods be slow to come to console after being announced, well first off before the release of the game their focus was likely on making the game itself (since mod support for a non existent game is pretty useless), so it is likely they didnt really start working on mod support until after release, and even then it isnt exactly an easy thing to do, it isnt just a switch that they flip, bethesda and microsoft had to work to figure out this brand new system that had never been done on console before, and wouldnt you know it, new things take time to make, sometimes a very long time. This coupled with the fact that they still had to have some focus on making their dlc content means that it was not about to happen over night (which most people with any understanding of games and such would have understood immediately). As for you multiple complaints about bugs, i agree it is pretty bad how many bugs their games release with, it is fairly clear that they release their games with full knowledge of many of these bugs with the intent of fixing the console bugs later and letting their mod community fix the bugs for them on the PC. However i would not expect the game to release with no bugs, these games are massive in scale, and tend to have very deep environments and are in general very complex, so at least some bugs are to be expected, the main problem is with the sheer number of them that have clearly been ignored, and the length of time it takes them to fix these bugs (which in some cases never get fixed).

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        • Agreed but kinda sad it took you all this long to realise :/

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        • Modifié par brandorobot : 6/19/2017 9:44:58 PM
          I've always wondered why people praise the main Bethesda franchises so much despite that there are always tons of bugs, but they're funny and can earn you karma on Reddit so it's okay. Don't get me wrong I like them both for what they are I just dont see them as the best games ever. And when there's also a common thread that if you don't use mods then you don't get the ideal experience. That would mean the game by itself isn't as good.

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        • I like how unique there games are. They've got a bit of everything. Also fallout and skyrim are fun despite the bugs. Not to mention console mods. [spoiler]also there are some funny bugs[/spoiler]

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        • Nope, Bethesda makes some of the fullest, most rewarding, intensely story and experience driven games on the market. They don't do console exclusives and DLC almost always adds to story or much more to do with how you play, their games are MASSIVE in size so bugs are to be expected. As far as paid mods go, fine, there will still be an atomic -blam!- TON of free mods and frankly content creators for mods do them for college and fun anyway, if they wanna be paid for their hard labor then let them be paid, we as gamers have no god given right to free changes/additions of code in any game, especially when most of Bethesda game glitches can be fixed by reverting to a past save. I don't like it either but modders have earned their pay if the mod makes the game somehow better. And there's nothing wrong with Todd Howard just like there's nothing wrong with you other than insinuating Bethesda be a terrible developer because you have beef with changes they made in order to stay in buisness. I believe my point has been succinctly put.

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          • Hopefully the success of The Witcher 3 forces them to up their game in Elder Scrolls, Fallout, and any other RPGs they make in the near future.

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            • Say what you will. I enjoyed every game built / published by Bethesda

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              • As to your first point, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo forced Bethesda to fix all the bugs in order for them to port it the Switch.

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                • These replies show that Bethesda fanboys are still the worst.

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                • People have gotta be exaggerating these bugs. I hardly ever encounter them. And the bugs I do actually remember were really, really tiny. In all of my time playing Bethesda games I've only had to deal with one game breaking bug.

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                • No, they make great games.

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                  • No Stop lying to yourself

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                    • I've literally been saying this forever, but Bethesda gets so many passes "because Skyrim." The same people who hate on Ubisoft/EA/Literally any studio for buggy games and unfinished launches, are the same people who praise Bethesda's lackluster gameplay, shady business practices, and false promises.

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                      • Modifié par What I Look Like : 6/17/2017 2:02:25 PM
                        No, I don't agree at all. Get that paid mods complaint off the thread though, because yall don't deserve to complain about that. Paid mods are a system that is NOT replacing free mods. This mod club basically stands to allow people looking to make a career practice some form of work with Bethesda. Since people want to download mods and not donate to aspiring modders in the community, you'd be surprised at how many modders are looking forward to an actual chance to do more than supply you whiny ass kids with grade C mods. I can't list you a single release or game I've played that hasn't bugged out or pissed me off at some point, either. Food for thought.

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                        • Want some fries with that salt?

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                          • Modifié par wojo55 : 6/18/2017 12:07:44 AM
                            Never let go of the skyrim coaster

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                            • •Skyrim still has dozens of game breaking bugs that the modding community fixes years ago. Bethesda's too busy making more ports of Skyrim to care. [i]In a game as large as Skyrim, there will be bugs, that is inevitable - unless you want the development cycle of a game to be 30 years. As far as I am aware, there are no game breaking bugs still in the game. There are a handful of quests that you cannot finish under certain circumstance, but these aren't game ending bugs. Also, most of these have work arounds that can be easily found online. While this is not a perfect solution, the alternative is that the development team be tied up with this for ages, rather than working on other games.[/i] •Bethesda refuses to give review copies to reviewers until 24 hours before launch. [i]I agree. This is a bad practice. So while they do provide free demos to players, I still think that early review copies for outlets should be provided.[/i] •Dishonored 2 had a shoddy PC port, which we didn't discover until it was too late due to said review policy. [i]This does need to be addressed, but this is an issue with whoever did the port. While Bethesda is ultimately responsible for publishing, I doubt they were fully aware of the port's quality. Again, a change in review policy could help fix this. I am skeptical here that this was done malicious tho.[/i] •Paid mods are back, despite having failed miserably in the past. [i]Paid mods are not in and of themselves a bad thing. It allows Bethesda to provide additional content beyond their usual means, and provides aspiring programmers/modders a means by which to be compensated for their work. The issue was in the implementation of the previous paid mods scheme. Since we don't have enough information at this time on the current system , I suggest withholding judgment.[/i] •Console mods were announced a few weeks after Fallout 4, yet didn't release until a year later. Meanwhile Bethesda was praised for announcing F4 so close to launch. [i]The issue there was getting them approved by Microsoft and Sony, the fault is not with Bethesda. Even if it were, your point hardly seems useful. It is a non-sequitur, and appears as though you just want to flame Bethesda with whatever you can find.[/i] •Fallout 4 also launched in a broken and buggy state, despite Bethesda studio employing many developers with decades of experience. The Witcher 3 launched the same year, made by a studio made up of a lot of people whose only experience in development was the previous 2 Witcher games, yet it was far more polished both in terms of visuals and gameplay. [i]So are we just giving the Witcher 3 a free pass now? Or have you forgotten all the hilarious bugs around roach. Aside from that, there were other issue with the game. Neither title was perfect at launch, and both we're patched heavily. This is an issue with the industry more generally. So while Fallout 4 had more bugs, don't pretend like it was the only open world game to have them. At best, if your argument here was 100% true, it just shows that a shining example is better than another publisher...not that Bethesda is bad. You have proven a relative claim, not a standardized one.[/i] •Fallout 4's expansion pass got a massive price bump, despite Bethesda at the time having no idea what they would make to justify this. [i]False, the price was bumped up after determining that more than the original planned content was being provided. Your next sentence demonstrates that you understood this.[/i] •The extra DLC they released to justify the price bump were 2 minor town building DLCs and 1 actual expansion. [i]Do I really need to explain why you just played yourself? You acknowledge that 3 extra offerings were provided, one substantial enough for you to call it "actual"...just because you don't like the content doesn't mean it didn't take resources to make. They made more content, they should get paid more for that content.[/i] •Bethesda locks achievements if you mod in Fallout 4, even on PC where you can use console commands to easily breeze through the game and get every achievement without any challenge. [i]This is kinda petty TBH. Like I understand, but that shouldn't really make you think that Bethesda is terrible.[/i] •Todd Howard. [i]I'm too lazy to watch the link.[/i]

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                              • They are totally overrated. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is my favorite game of all time, but they haven't don't much since then. Just a couple weeks ago I got back into skyrim and played through the DLC. The annoying, always hostile Moth Priest glitch plagued me on my run through Dawnguard. I had to restart the whole dawnguard DLC. The annoying, broken Miraak fight messed me up because a third dragon never spawned. So I had to redo that. The game is seven years old. But, instead of fixing the glitches in their game that they hold so highly, they focus on VR and moving it to Switch. How about you lazy people fix the game already out. Their graphics are outdated and their games always broken and glitchy.

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                                • Their far from my favorite developers but I enjoy their games but none the less your not wrong lol

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                                • I disagree. I think you should try making a game like Skyrim and then see how easy it would be to fix the bugs.

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