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Modifié par liamduhgamer : 1/29/2017 4:03:23 PM

Fallout 4 gripes.

So I've seen a lot of anger directed towards Fallout 4. And not just people saying there are some problems with it but saying stuff saying it's just a call of duty game (which is ridiculous. any unbiased person who played any cod game and fallout 4 would see they are massively different in nearly everyway). I'll admit that it has its issues and many of them,but come on people!If you hated Fallout 4 you don't know how to play a game and enjoy it properly. Ive had plenty of fun out of games were way more flawed than Fallout 4. Can't we just criticize it without condemning it? If any body wants we can chat about the game and future installments.
#Gaming #Fallout

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