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Modifié par Archival Mind : 10/3/2017 12:26:10 PM

What Makes the Cabal Annihilate Suns, Raze a Thousand Worlds, Slay Gods, and Conquer the Light

The Cabal Empire, a collection of alien races bent on expansion and conquering enemies. Basically a space Roman empire. Unlike my post with the Fallen, we'll be starting with their known biology and tech before going into history. The starting species of the Empire, aptly named Cabal, are large, Rhino-like beasts who are much bigger than your average human. Cabal have 4 fingers and 4 toes, each with nails not far off from human nails. The general Cabal skin color is a general brown. Albinos, like Ghaul, are thrown out due to being imperfect. Upon first glance Cabal may look rather overweight, that doesn't deter them, however, as they continue moving toward an enemy. Cabal faces are known for being really ugly, with an exposed upper jaw and small eyes. Female Cabal can be identified by their tusks. The next main species of the Cabal Empire are the Psions. Psions are smaller than your average human. They have 4 fingers, the third finger being quite large. They have one eye and their mouths are rather small, but visible. They are slim and agile, great for using their elemental abilities. They are also known for being rather intelligent and powerful, as the Psion Flayers moved Phobos out of its natural orbit and the Psion Councillors on the Leviathan can literally blow your mind. They also built the OXA Machine, a thing capable of seeing into the past and possibly future. It still isn't known why the Psions stay with the Cabal, maybe the threat of utter annihilation scares them so. That or the pins in their brain inhibit their ability in some way. There are many other species in the Empire, but only one has been given a description, the Arkborn. Arkborn are sentient beings made of Arc light. That's all I have, there isn't much else. Lastly are the pets. The first are the War Beasts, which are scaly dog-like creatures that the Cabal decorate in spiky armor. They don't seem so tough, until you realize their hides are used for durable material on Red Legion soldiers. The next pet is also dog-like. The difference is that these creatures might be deaf and near-sighted. These beasts can be found on the Grand Leviathan, as part of a Trial by the former Emperor Calus. These beasts have one defining ability, they are able to emit a Psionic Howl that can kill anyone listening to it. Cabal tech is very... interesting. Most weapons are simply projectile-based, but then you have swords. They really did come prepared, didn't they? As for ships, they have Carriers, Cruisers, Command Ships, and even special ships. They created a cage for the Traveler, a massive structure indeed. However, they also made a star-destroying super weapon called The Almighty. This weapon works by strip-mining a planet for fuel to power a laser that connects to a star on a quantum level. The laser grows more powerful until the star becomes unstable. The Almighty teleports away as the star explodes. In addition, they have the Grand Leviathan. This is a massive starship possibly bigger than the Hive Dreadnaught. It has the power to eat planets, like Unicron from Transformers (1986). Not only that, but they have the ability to make artificial stars, as the Grand Leviathan has two hovering above it. The Cabal had their first emperor when a being named Acrius "takes the sun". This kick-starts their rule and power. Emperor after Emperor, the Cabal fought dozens of wars and destroyed hundreds of planets. Eventually, a Cabal named Calus takes the throne... forcefully. See, previously the Cabal were under the rule of the Praetorate, a militaristic power apparently making the normal civilians suffer in order to benefit their ever-lasting rule. Calus killed the Senate, let the crowd deal with the Aristocrats, and then publicly humiliated the Consul and exiled him. Eventually, the Consul found and raised a young Ghaul to rise up and overthrow Calus. Ghaul led a coup to do this. This is when a dozen of Calus's most trusted friends betrayed him. Now, Ghaul became the leader of the Empire. The people loved Calus, evidenced by the fact that they would be upset if he were killed, so Dominus Ghaul exiled him onto the Grand Leviathan. There, Calus planned to take his Empire back, but all he needed was a shadow. Fast forward a few years when two Guardians were walking on Mars. They discovered the Cabal. Hundreds of loyal soldiers ready to die for the Empire. The fleet that came to Sol was a Scout Fleet by the name of Skyburners. The Skyburners divided themselves into different groups, Dust Giants, Sand Eaters, Siege Dancers, Ice Reapers, and the Blind Legion. Each section was dedicated to a different task, whether it was studying the Vex on Mars or holding the line against attacks. The Skyburners planned to attack Earth, but there was a problem. That problem was Oryx, the Taken King. He took half their forces and the Cabal crashed on of their ships in the Dreadnaught Oryx commanded. That was where they sent a distress signal to the rest of the Empire because they were losing... badly. After news of the Taken, the Hive, the Vex, the scavenging Fallen, and the Light-powered Guardians and the Traveler they worshiped, Dominus Ghaul himself led the charge. The Red Legion decimated the Last City and caged the Traveler. Their plan was to forcefully take the Light as their own. Only two things stood in their way, Ghaul's preoccupations and one lucky Guardian getting the light back. They studied holy sites of the Traveler, they used Taken power to upgrade their shields. One Bloodguard even got Taken. They had mercenaries bring in weapons and had a good grip on Earth in only a couple of weeks. Everything was would've gone well, if the Vanguard didn't initiate a counterattack that would go down in history. The same Guardian that got the light back confronted Ghaul and they fought. That is until Ghaul died. Then, like a Sunsinger Warlock, rose from the dead in a god form. He took enough of the light. The Traveler then woke up and took its light back, killing Ghaul in the process. Light surged through the galaxy. Eventually, Emperor Calus found out that Ghaul was dead. He came to Sol to test us, setting up an alliance destined to take back the Cabal Empire once and for all. Yet Calus is keeping something secret.... he found something at the blackened edge of space. Apparently, once he brings it here, to the light, there will be a reckoning unlike anything we've ever seen. TL:DR - I honestly don't know why I keep putting this out if I'm just going to tell you to read the wall anyway. Yet again, if I got anything wrong, comment. EDIT: The Arkborn are not part of the Empire. Master Post: [url][/url]

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  • Where in Destiny 2 are the supposed “Arkborn” mentioned?

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    • All that then get beaten by our guardian 😂

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      • Nobody is going to read all that shit

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        • I think that the "blowing up planets for fun" line from D1 was just propaganda of the Speaker and the Earth Gov against the cabal or at least the red legion because everything we've learned about the "true Cabal ways" (that's how Calus calls the Cabal society before Ghauls coup) is a little bit more diplomatic or peacefull. Another piece of evidence is the fact that Calus loyalist Cabal forces didn't crush the crippled humanity or our Solar System but offered us a gift if we join him. I'm not saying that he's a good guy but far better than any other faction. We should consider joining the empire because it would protect humanity against all foes. You have to consider the fact, that the technology of the Cabal easily blocked our light and shattered us as a whole. Something even a god (Oryx) couldn't accomplish. With this military might at our side we could prosper again. [spoiler]Oh and I have to say sorry because of my bad english or misuse of some words. I'm from Germany and it's hard to express my thoughts in another language [/spoiler] [spoiler]I've posted this in another thread but it fits better in this one [/spoiler]

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        • Modifié par Stealthy : 10/4/2017 9:29:03 PM
          Wrong. Not [i]basically[/i] ... Paste [b][i]COPIED[/i][/b] in there and you got it right.

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        • Memes

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          • Jock itch.

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          • So here are my questions: How/why does a robot version of Calus have the ability to transfer us into a "shadow zone"? We defeat robot Calus and now what? Do we now own the Leviathan? Is Calus still coming for us or does he want to work with us? Why didnt the Leviathan just swallow earth up and destroy it? What happened to the Speaker? Is he alive? Dead? (Off topic, but while we are at it whatever happened to The Queen?) Will we ever know the answer to these questions? Or will this storyline just be dropped and Destiny 3.

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            • Bump

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            • Include more information about weaponry. Their weapons fire slugs, and their solar slugs are all micro missiles that detonate upon impact. Void bronto cannons and arc slug shotguns are an exception.

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            • Booty

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            • While fairly detailed, you got quite a bit wrong, dear. The skyburners didn't divide themselves up into the other legions, they were the auxiliary reserve legion. All of the ones in Sol were scouts, not making advancements on Earth because their emperor wanted the Traveler and wanted to make sure his attack was perfect.

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              • Damn man nice research, very interesting, keep up the good work!

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              • They saw the dancing emotes, and naturally, had to destroy our solar system.

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                • do they bang?

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                  • Way I see it the cabal are running from something, something terrible

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                    • To please the Emperors worm. Notice the gold trim in the raid area and all the other worm motifs that look suspiciously like the leviathan.

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                      • Props on the original Unicron reference. I thought that too when I saw the Leviathan on Nessus horizon. None of my clan mates, whom are younger or of a different ethnic background and therefore not exposed to the G1 TF universe, knew what I was talking about. /;)

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                        • The cabal just attacked Las Vegas

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                          • Love reading your posts. Keep it up!

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                          • Awesome! Thanks, this helped me understand a lot of things. Cheers, mate!

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                          • Modifié par VitreousSugar : 10/2/2017 4:35:48 PM
                            1970's television gameshows obviously

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                          • Because bungie nerfed fusion rifles.

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                          • Trick question. It's what they did. Last time I checked, without weapon variability, it's no fun anymore. (with apologies to Hawthorne)

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                          • Correction: the Leviathan is much, MUCH bigger than the Dreadnaught. Compared to the former, the Dreadnaught is a tiny spec.

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                            • [quote]The Cabal Empire, a collection of alien races bent on expansion and conquering enemies. Basically a space Roman empire. Unlike my post with the Fallen, we'll be starting with their known biology and tech before going into history. The starting species of the Empire, aptly named Cabal, are large, Rhino-like beasts who are much bigger than your average human. Cabal have 4 fingers and 4 toes, each with nails not far off from human nails. The general Cabal skin color is a general brown. Albinos, like Ghaul, are thrown out due to being imperfect. Upon first glance Cabal may look rather overweight, that doesn't deter them, however, as they continue moving toward an enemy. Cabal faces are known for being really ugly, with an exposed upper jaw and small eyes. Female Cabal can be identified by their tusks. The next main species of the Cabal Empire are the Psions. Psions are smaller than your average human. They have 4 fingers, the third finger being quite large. They have one eye and their mouths are rather small, but visible. They are slim and agile, great for using their elemental abilities. They are also known for being rather intelligent and powerful, as the Psion Flayers moved Phobos out of its natural orbit and the Psion Councillors on the Leviathan can literally blow your mind. They also built the OXA Machine, a thing capable of seeing into the past and possibly future. It still isn't known why the Psions stay with the Cabal, maybe the threat of utter annihilation scares them so. That or the pins in their brain inhibit their ability in some way. There are many other species in the Empire, but only one has been given a description, the Arkborn. Arkborn are sentient beings made of Arc light. That's all I have, there isn't much else. Lastly are the pets. The first are the War Beasts, which are scaly dog-like creatures that the Cabal decorate in spiky armor. They don't seem so tough, until you realize their hides are used for durable material on Red Legion soldiers. The next pet is also dog-like. The difference is that these creatures might be deaf and near-sighted. These beasts can be found on the Grand Leviathan, as part of a Trial by the former Emperor Calus. These beasts have one defining ability, they are able to emit a Psionic Howl that can kill anyone listening to it. Cabal tech is very... interesting. Most weapons are simply projectile-based, but then you have swords. They really did come prepared, didn't they? As for ships, they have Carriers, Cruisers, Command Ships, and even special ships. They created a cage for the Traveler, a massive structure indeed. However, they also made a star-destroying super weapon called The Almighty. This weapon works by strip-mining a planet for fuel to power a laser that connects to a star on a quantum level. The laser grows more powerful until the star becomes unstable. The Almighty teleports away as the star explodes. In addition, they have the Grand Leviathan. This is a massive starship possibly bigger than the Hive Dreadnaught. It has the power to eat planets, like Unicron from Transformers (1986). Not only that, but they have the ability to make artificial stars, as the Grand Leviathan has two hovering above it. The Cabal had their first emperor when a being named Acrius "takes the sun". This kick-starts their rule and power. Emperor after Emperor, the Cabal fought dozens of wars and destroyed hundreds of planets. Eventually, a Cabal named Calus takes the throne... forcefully. See, previously the Cabal were under the rule of the Praetorate, a militaristic power apparently making the normal civilians suffer in order to benefit their ever-lasting rule. Calus killed the Senate, let the crowd deal with the Aristocrats, and then publicly humiliated the Consul and exiled him. Eventually, the Consul found and raised a young Ghaul to rise up and overthrow Calus. Ghaul led a coup to do this. This is when a dozen of Calus's most trusted friends betrayed him. Now, Ghaul became the leader of the Empire. The people loved Calus, evidenced by the fact that they would be upset if he were killed, so Dominus Ghaul exiled him onto the Grand Leviathan. There, Calus planned to take his Empire back, but all he needed was a shadow. Fast forward a few years when two Guardians were walking on Mars. They discovered the Cabal. Hundreds of loyal soldiers ready to die for the Empire. The fleet that came to Sol was a Scout Fleet by the name of Skyburners. The Skyburners divided themselves into different groups, Dust Giants, Sand Eaters, Siege Dancers, Ice Reapers, and the Blind Legion. Each section was dedicated to a different task, whether it was studying the Vex on Mars or holding the line against attacks. The Skyburners planned to attack Earth, but there was a problem. That problem was Oryx, the Taken King. He took half their forces and the Cabal crashed on of their ships in the Dreadnaught Oryx commanded. That was where they sent a distress signal to the rest of the Empire because they were losing... badly. After news of the Taken, the Hive, the Vex, the scavenging Fallen, and the Light-powered Guardians and the Traveler they worshiped, Dominus Ghaul himself led the charge. The Red Legion decimated the Last City and caged the Traveler. Their plan was to forcefully take the Light as their own. Only two things stood in their way, Ghaul's preoccupations and one lucky Guardian getting the light back. They studied holy sites of the Traveler, they used Taken power to upgrade their shields. One Bloodguard even got Taken. They had mercenaries bring in weapons and had a good grip on Earth in only a couple of weeks. Everything was would've gone well, if the Vanguard didn't initiate a counterattack that would go down in history. The same Guardian that got the light back confronted Ghaul and they fought. That is until Ghaul died. Then, like a Sunsinger Warlock, rose from the dead in a god form. He took enough of the light. The Traveler then woke up and took its light back, killing Ghaul in the process. Light surged through the galaxy. Eventually, Emperor Calus found out that Ghaul was dead. He came to Sol to test us, setting up an alliance destined to take back the Cabal Empire once and for all. Yet Calus is keeping something secret.... he found something at the blackened edge of space. Apparently, once he brings it here, to the light, there will be a reckoning unlike anything we've ever seen. TL:DR - I honestly don't know why I keep putting this out if I'm just going to tell you to read the wall anyway. Yet again, if I got anything wrong, comment. EDIT: The Arkborn are not part of the Empire.[/quote]

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