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Modifié par JonnyMadDog1 : 10/13/2017 9:48:48 PM

Need help recollecting/identifying what game these vague snippets of memory are from

It was likely a P S 1 title or possibly a Supes Nin title, it was a screenscroller/top-down view, it had 8-16bit-esque graphics. There was howling wind (quite chilling at a young age) as a sound effect upon being (possibly) shipwrecked and (possibly) amnesiac. There was a coastal town this user remembers going to with a strong recall of chopping tufts of grass, sometimes revealing items or money, possibly. It was NOT an F F series title (as a hardcore fan, this user knows this for sure), however it was quite similar (possibly a J R P G title/port) as it looked like it was of the fantasy/sci-fi genre. It was most likely not associated with the L of Z series either. It may or may not have been Chrono-related. This user has recently seen some screens and vids of play thru a particular title called "A l u n d r a" that looks similar to what this user is describing, however, this user is still hesitant to claim it is that title this user is struggling to remember. The sword swinging and tufts of grass being chopped up are a close resemblance, however, seem detailed differently than in this user's memory. Does anyone here know (or care to engage in a "fun" (depending on one's definition) scavenger quest for truth) what title this user is likely describing (after suggestions this user will look them up and see if they are correct of course)? Thanks. P.S. Am a Titan still LF a Wrlok and Hntr each with an outbreak engine to sync with for step 3 of the prime questline in D1.

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