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11/6/2017 6:49:28 PM

Xbox Clan Cold Hearted T-Rex looking for Guardians

We are a 3 week old level 5 clan with a range of experianc that are looking for new guardian's. We are looking for keen active guardian's who are committed to the cause. We look to complete multiple raids weekly, prestige Nightfalls and anything that pops up. We are willing to take new recruits if you are good, quick learners but would really like people with experience in all aspects of the game. We are always having a laugh and there is a lot of banter to go around, if you can't take it this is probably not the clan for You. Mic required.

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  • [b][i][u]PM ME FOR AN INVITE!![/u][/i][/b] [b][u][i]ACTIVE AND HELPFUL PLAYERS ONLY, YOU WILL BE KICKED OTHERWISE![/i][/u][/b] [b][u][i]BOTH PS4 AND XBOX ONE PLAYERS ALLOWED![/i][/u][/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hunted is a very serious and committed clan. We don’t like engram leeches or in-actives, [b][i][u]DO NOT[/u][/i][/b] join if you will be either one of those. We need more Xbox and PSN actives as well as flawless trials members and good raiders. If all that sounds good, then this is the clan for you! -------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Focuses[/u][/b] * [i]Raid * Trials * Weekly Engrams  * Nightfall --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] * [i]Don't be toxic * Try to help the clan out as much as possible. * Be friendly * Be active![/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Extra Comments[/u][/b] * [i]Please consider liking the post for publicity so we can get more members! :) * Mic recommended but not mandatory. * Hope to see you there! * WE HAVE A DISCORD

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