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Destiny 2

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12/24/2017 12:48:53 AM

Wow, the Holiday must be bad for Bungie employees...

It's gotta be disheartening to pour yourself into a game like this and just see all the negativity right now. To work in this industry, you're pretty much married to the work to an extent, so I'm hoping the artists, designers, testers, etc. etc. are able to separate all of this from their holiday. I get it, things are bad right now, but I think everyone needs to give it a rest for a week. Make your comment and then either play or don't. The relentless negativity is just redundant. Social media has become so damn toxic lately. Enjoy your collective holidays everyone. Just remember that Bungie is a corporation full of people like you and me.

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  • I see what you're saying. I really do. But microtransactions have been plaguing the videogame industry for far too long. What happened with EA and Battlefront is proof that it IS possible to force a change on this crap and it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. This might be the closest we've ever come to changing the industry for the better and "giving it a rest" runs the risk of letting the spark die out.

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