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Destiny 2

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Modifié par oh ver driive : 12/24/2017 4:18:19 AM

#RemoveEververse I found the glitched shield under the templar in d1 when VoG dropped AMA, Bungie somehow is making a great product but only to rip us off they must bend the knee

Bungie needs to make clear where the problem lies. Let's argue every Bungie developer makes x a year with a natural hierarchy. You can make the same $$$ if not more by making a good game. So why not just do that? I've been a hardcore gamer for 20 years and im a normal dude with a good job who has a great woman and likes to game and live in the virtual space and omg Bungie WTF how far have you fallen? At this point if you make it free to play and use the loot box system and add trading boom you have a warframe economy but you want to have your cake and eat it too. So you want to charge for every step? 60$ for the game, 20$ for each expansion, assuming 3+ we are talking 120$ a game. Did your company move backwards? You absolutely have the potential to make a better game but you're not and we have soooo many questions. At this point the "Eververse" is done but what's next? We will catch the bullshit and numbers will suffer. You're on watch and not by me, at this point I'm a bystander. I reached out to you and got Deej in my face claiming I wanted Destiny to be Halo. Years later. Still no. Deej is a moron who can't handle criticism. He hired someone to take flack for him. In the d1 complaining days he was posting news on Reddit before he posted on forums cause I was on his ass and after I noticed his absence I found out what he was doing. Your company has some really good people with some really shitty ideas. You were suppose to be the next halo that was cross gen and you -blam!-ed it up or let it get -blam!-ed up and you should immediately take whatever legal action you can to fix what should be a generational game changer. Please tell me I'm wrong. Cherry pick 1 thing I've said and argue it. You're ripping people off. Still no 2 flag? Is this 1999? It's objective gametypes 101 wtf.

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