Something I've noticed in D2 that is driving me crazy other than The Eververse scandal lol 😉
Why won't the game let us do jump shots with Rocket Launchers anymore??? I've noticed this very large delay time in between jumping and being "Allowed" to fire a rocket while in the air. It's extremely noticeable as a Warlock. I remember in D1 being able to jump in the air and fire a rocket with no problem in D2 I can not and it's very annoying to die in mid jump because the life saving rocket wouldn't fire due to some stupid delay or something.
Any thoughts community or maybe Bungie would like to comment.
I main dawnblade attunement of sky. No idea what you are talking about as jump-shooting is all I do. Don't ads? Just hipfire?
The key is not to aim down the sights. Bypass the delay via hip firing it, and you'll be good to go.
It's the Curtain call that this effects the most, Sins of the past is much quicker, or the Morigan D with tracking feels food.
You can shoot it while airborne there is just the delay you mentioned. And to answer your question, to lower the skill gap. They don't want kids getting shit on by people with superior movement and aim.
I noticed this a lot until i got the raid rocket, but the curtain call was the worst to jump shoot with
OMG I thought i was inept or something. I have literally tried the same thing and the delay is so annoyingly noticeable.
Modifié par Muka Gatals : 1/4/2018 10:16:27 PMNo wonder I keep dying ...LOL I think this is part of the D2 PVP Boring Concept..It force players to use primary only. So they screw up all other weapons except Primaries. D2 is totally suck...!!
Yeah, I noticed it too ... drives me nuts. Died a few times because of the delay.
Modifié par HDF1964 : 1/4/2018 10:01:38 PMI notice when you aim while jumping it does it when just shooting the rocket while you jump is better but it could be just me