publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
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My son and I were just on Mercury, when we came across this other player in The Lighthouse.
My son said to check out this guy's Ghost shell.
I did and was somewhat taken aback by the little blurb on it.
[i]"For Ghosts who like to drive fast and look good while doing it"[/i]
Now this group has been around for the better part of 5 years, and the motto I put in for it has always been;
"People with a passion for going fast and looking good getting there"
It's a play on a David Lee Roth of Van Halen quote he made about the use or rear view mirrors in cars.
So is Bungie secretly stalking and stealing ideas from us?
I forgot, Destiny kids take everything literally and have no ability to sense fun nor sarcasm.
Maximum cuckitude detected.