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Modifié par PhNx Hellfire : 3/8/2018 2:36:25 AM

Autos and SMG's in IB feedback

Don't do crucible a lot. Raids are more fun honestly. PvE? Uriels Gift and auto's like Scathelocke, ect. are always having issues both with their lack of overall balance and their weapon perks not really making better impacts for the player base. Go into IB? These issues are just made bigger both in an activity which needs the better balance, more options to game types, and connection issues I don't see in more complicated activities. Can't stand these weapons types in the crucible and the lack of overall balanced weapons. What I would ideally do: decrease the aim assist on scouts to allow for better control around corners or you decrease their effective range or impact of the general auto rifle category. Feel free to weigh in.

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