Why are people so mad/surprised?? A world set a couple centuries ahead of our would more than likely be fine with things we're still stupidly hung up on.
Ikora is a woman of color as a Vanguard. She kicked Shaxx's arse in the Crucible, reinvented how we think about circles AND has an information network dedicated to lurking in shadows. Not to mention she's a Warlock, a class not really [i]meant[/i] for battle. And SOMEHOW managed to do a double Nova Bomb during the invasion.
Suraya leads an entire commune without even asking the City for help. She even knocks Zavala down a peg by pointing out she's not afraid even though she never had Light. Later, Zavala even acknowledged her skill by calling her "Guardian"
Ana was/is a scientist who worked on some of the biggest innovations of the Golden Age. She earned Shaxx's respect by creating pools of light via GG at Twilight Gap. When Zavala told her to be more concerned with Tower affairs, she faked her death so she could do as she saw fit.
Face it, women in Destiny are tough as nails and are blatantly unapologetic about it. If you're gonna whine that Ana isn't straight, that's a you problem.
I heard no one complain about her being a lesbian. They complained that this is what they chose to focus on story wise.
It was forced on us. It just doesn't belong in this game.
Lol wow. Reaching much ?
[quote]Why are people so mad/surprised?? A world set a couple centuries ahead of our would more than likely be fine with things we're still stupidly hung up on. Ikora is a woman of color as a Vanguard. She kicked Shaxx's arse in the Crucible, reinvented how we think about circles AND has an information network dedicated to lurking in shadows. Not to mention she's a Warlock, a class not really [i]meant[/i] for battle. And SOMEHOW managed to do a double Nova Bomb during the invasion. Suraya leads an entire commune without even asking the City for help. She even knocks Zavala down a peg by pointing out she's not afraid even though she never had Light. Later, Zavala even acknowledged her skill by calling her "Guardian" Ana was/is a scientist who worked on some of the biggest innovations of the Golden Age. She earned Shaxx's respect by creating pools of light via GG at Twilight Gap. When Zavala told her to be more concerned with Tower affairs, she faked her death so she could do as she saw fit. Face it, women in Destiny are tough as nails and are blatantly unapologetic about it. If you're gonna whine that Ana isn't straight, that's a you problem. #LongLiveTheLesbians[/quote] I don't think I saw any post's complaining that ana is a gay ? 🤔 Saw some posts saying the bigger story was ana and Rasputin.
That's gay
All army chicks are lezbo’s
As much as I like to jump down the throats of those who do not support the gay agenda and as much as I appreciate this post, it doesn't really make sense. Currently around these parts homosexuality makes up ~10% of the population. Figuring in advanced tech and the return of eugenics, with the population rekt and driven back to the Last City, selecting for heterosexuality would be the logical outcome to rebuild the population. Even though I'm going to continue to support the gay agenda and downvote anybody talking smack about Ana, it does appear that this is really just agenda on Bungie's part. :P
God loves you.
You are undermining your cause
And how earth look with all this shit? Human kind almost extinct. LoL
No one cares what they are, if it’s in the deep lore it’s fine (like any other romantic relationship in Destiny) but it’s overshadowing the other parts of the story. People would complain regardless of the sexuality or gender. However if it’s implemented in a way that’s not overshadowing everything else, no one complains. I see your point, but this isn’t what people are mad about.
I just want lore and gore. I’m bi, and I can’t stand the way they push all the lesbian couples. They need variety, or at least a story where one dies horribly by being eaten or something
I have only one concern about her sexuality - Flanderization. Her sexuality is utterly irrelevant compared to her role in ensuring that an unshackled AI overlord doesn't decide to nuke us from orbit.
I'm irritated at the low quality writing in general. The content is secondary at this point.
Modifié par Astartes Marine : 6/23/2018 11:11:18 PMHer being lesbian is not the problem. Hell it's not even [i]a[/i] problem. The problem is that with the Warmind subject in general there's a whole lot more they [i]could[/i] be telling, instead they're confining the plot to a minor event that's not even really relevant. Bigger things [i]could[/i] have been touched on like: -The history of the Warmind project and how extensive Rasputin's network was and is -The exploits of Ana Bray, like how she earned her reputation at Twilight Gap (which was given a laughably small amount of coverage in the latest issue) -The history of the Clovis-Bray corporation and their involvement with the Warmind project -Just what Rasputin has been doing all this time -Rasputin's first engagements against Xol and Nokris that raged on for so long that Rasputin was forced to put the whole region into a deep freeze just to end it Expectations were not met, and the relationship isn't even written in a compelling way. Seriously the one page in each issue from Rasputin's point of view is the most interesting part.😒
Modifié par Papo Pechuga : 6/24/2018 2:23:38 AMWhere does it say that she's a lesbian? Edit: nvm
I don't really mind that people are lesbian etc. What really -blam!-s me up is the attention seeking, which you literally did just now. OMG I'm lesbian, why is everyone against homosexual, crycrycry.
I respectfully disagree, warlocks in general are bad ass. It just seems like Bungie is in love with lesbians. Every single romance story (which I personally don't think are worth the time to include in the lore at all) is a homosexual one. I mean if there wasn't non guardians around you would think everyone in destiny was gay. All I am saying is it's getting old.
Modifié par piratepatchy243 : 6/24/2018 9:17:51 AMThey can have all this, but give us good writing/story/lore. As it stands though it's just a -blam!-ing agenda, when it shouldn't even be a center point in an apocalyptic world with the darkness coming back on its doorstep. We're talking Destiny lore( you even have it tagged ) yet with the comic they added no actual lore, just character development( and this shits canon over most of D1 smfh ). Where's this "so much story we'll be tired of it", nope it's still just as bad as D1 but the deep lore is shallow af.
Some of us dont need Social Justice jammed down our throats... Ana Bray is dead anyways hows she a lesbian?
Modifié par coopcusco04 : 6/24/2018 9:52:31 PMNo ones mad she's a lesbian, people are mad the story is "she's a lesbian" tell us a cool story not a sexual identity story. This is not the Oxygen channel. Come on be more creative in your judgements of other peoples views. Just because you believe something doesn't mean you should virtue signal every chance you get, its a turn off regardless of your beliefs.
The issue went so far over your head that it's well into the stratosphere by now. It has nothing to do with whether or not she's a lesbian. It's the fact that it lends no significance to the lore. You would see the exact same complaints if Ana was revealed to be pointlessly straight with no importance to the story.
People aren't complaining about her being a lesbian, they're complaining about the fact that the relationship feels forced and is taking over her entire character. Bungie is making Ana's defining trait the fact that's she's a lesbian, which is wrong. No character should be defined by their sexual orientation, whatever that may be. She's one of the powerful Hunters in history! And on top if that, she's a Bray! A direct window to Rasputin and pretty much [u][i]everything[/i][/u] that happened in the Golden Age AND the Collapse! We could learn so much from her, but the comics are almost entirely focused on her relationship. You wanna know how her character should be handled? Look at Wei Ning. Now that's how you handle a character.
[quote]A world set a couple centuries ahead of our would more than likely be fine with things we're still stupidly hung up on.[/quote] You realize this is hardly the case right? Bungie are simply doing what every movie, ad, etc are doing; being more inclusive so the liberals don't scream. It has zero to do with an advanced world who have surpassed today's issues lmao, it's bungie being inclusive to avoid backlash. Period.
Nobody's complaining that she's a lesbian, we're complaining because this subplot is being jammed into the story unnecessarily.
People are mad because no one -blam!-ing cares about her sexuality. It’s completely pointless and extremely uninteresting. Companies need to stop trying to please the SJWs and actually right some decent stories.