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7/16/2018 10:17:55 AM

Titans need a PVE buff

Titans need a major PVE buff. What usefull exotics do they have. Hunters have wormhusk crown, orpheus rig, celestial nighthawk and raiden flux. Warlocks have sunbracers and lunafaction boots. Titans have.... actius war rig and armamenterium. The supers are weak and not worth using. Went into the nokris strike with atc singe. 4 hits with striker and the knights that drop the relics are still alive. Yet a hunter jumps in with arcstrider and one hits it dead. Then continues killing all the trash mobs. Sentinal is a wasted super. Uses to put up bubbles in D1 as a defender, and with blessing or weapons of light it used to be almost a pre requisite for many raid teams. Now what does it have armor of light only. Great. I mean warlock rift now does the same job without the need for a full superbar. Bungie devs i doubt you will read this but if you do i hope you have a major buff coming for exotics and titan supers in the upcoming dlc

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