People are always complaining about PvP and cancer weapons and OP weapons and ttk to slow abefore it was the mida and now is the graviton and blah blah blah blah.
All Bullshit.
The crucible is good now. I really enjoy it. I don't make such a big fuss about the graviton. Personally I don't use it. And I have no problem countering it.
TTK is good. Maybe a pinch lower would be better but more than that it would ruin it. The ttk of D1 was definitely wrong.
I have seen many of the changes coming and I really do not understand what people complain about. Just go play. I have fun every day. Literally every day and I have a lot more fun than I had in D1.
Modifié par Ghostfire239 : 8/25/2018 10:27:08 PMThe wants of the many out weigh the wants of the few and you my friend are in the latter part. I hate how D2 crucible is right now. D1 crucible wasn’t perfect but it was so much better than D2.