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Modifié par LeVante : 9/9/2018 8:02:28 PM

Crucible ruined, so much better before

I still can't believe the regression PvP had with Forsaken. How could we get [b]SO[/b] bad I really can't believe what I'm looking at. Ok maybe a little lower ttk might have been necessary but [i]THIS[/i]... omg this is truly ridiculous it made it so fast that it's unplayable. Teams are completely broken, everyone on by himself not caring about what happens around, tactical PvP died with the warmind and what's worse is that on top of this there's a shotgun fest out there so basically everyone is running around trying to face antother and pull the trigger first....have we seriously [b]reduced the crucible to this[/b]..??? What happened to "[i] together as one[/i]" ... I like being able to snipe again (which really takes skills) but if the cost to have that is [i]this shit[/i]....oh God NO please. And [b]don't[/b] tell me "get gud" cause I have a positive KD, I am actually not doing bad. I'm far from being an excellent PvP player but I'm not bad either... but this is not the problem, the problem is that this state of the crucible is [b]PURE REGRESSION[/b]. It's not fun, it's reduced to pressing the button fast, it's not tactical, it's not playable...

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  • You seriously all make me laugh. Crying about people in the back of the map if you knew what "playing as a team means" you would have probably had a fireteam member dedicated with long range weapons such as granades launcher or Alone as a god. They open the way for other team members to push in because that's playing as a team. But no obviously for you it was easier to come here and complain about people camping with the graviton "they're bad", "they're op", "Bungie do something about them" ... That was the moment you had to [b]get gud[/b] by using your brain and team coordination rather than pulling the trigger faster.

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