So I'm [b]absolutely addicted[/b] to Crucible right now, like even though it hurts my head from rage I still always wanna come back again and again and again... well most of the time. One thing that is really (and I mean really) annoying is being paired up against 4/5/6 stacks and having like a duo on our team if even. It gets really frustrating getting dominated by a co-ordinated group and feeling powerless. It's happened a couple times tonight and our team got absolutely smacked around apart from in one game (which was favourite match I've had [b]EVER![/b]) in which we were versing a five stack and it was pretty back n' forth. Fireteams 3 and above should be put against other fireteams of similar size; duos should be [i]mostly[/i] exempt from this because it's not a game changer in my opinion. I love the meta, I love most of the maps and I love the feel of the game but this just really puts me off.
[spoiler]Also please up the max sensitivity on consoles if possible, 10 still isn't fast enough lmao.[/spoiler]
Modifié par Rocket3497 : 9/17/2018 10:14:34 PMI think they might have upped the sensitivity already, or maybe something just malfunctioned the other day for me, i had to turn it down to four where it sits now. Was at ten