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9/18/2018 10:43:01 AM

Problem with quest Aurora Mindlab 4/5

Hello, I ask for help on the forum because I find myself stuck on the quest: Aurora Mindlab 4/5. So I finished step 3/5 by validating it on one of the servers alongside Ana Bray and then I went to her to discuss, that's where she was supposed to give me the rifle prototype scout: Braytech RWP MK. II. Then I clicked on it to retrieve it, but by opening my inventory, I do not have this scout rifle or in energy weapons or kinetic weapons. Ana Bray does not offer me the weapon in her inventory. Therefore, without this weapon, I can not continue the quest Aurora Mindlab. How can I get this weapon that is needed in the quest Aurora Naissante 4/5? Is it possible to start again this quest from step 4 ? Thanks in advance

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