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11/15/2018 7:18:34 AM

HELP. “Server are not svailable.” notification

Hi, i’m having some issues connecting to the Destiny 2 server on ps4. I was able to play the first day of the this weeks reset and claim my thunderbird and play a little of the most recent iron banner. All of my other clan mates can login fine, even others on my home connection can connect to Destiny 2. The only thing I get is a notification telling me I can’t connect to the server. Then it points me to “ for more information.” but I cant seem to find anyone else having the same issues. For some reason it just doesn’t wanna work for me! Any help is much appreciated as I was looking forward to doing this weeks flashpoint & completing Lord Saladins weekly quests to hopefully (finally) raise my power to 600. I don’t wanna miss out, oh please no 😭

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