[b]TL,DR: In light of the disappearance of the gallery and the generally negative reaction to fanfiction on this subforum, I'd like to present a supportive Destiny fanfic community and place to put your works. The link is right above this section.[/b]
Hey all, and especially those of you that write and post fanfiction in this sub-forum or others. I'm writing this post because as someone who wrote and posted fanfiction here and wants to do it again sometime in the near future, I and others have had the misfortune of having the gallery subforum leave the Destiny forums. I don't completely know what Bungie's reasoning was behind this, but I have faith that they didn't intend to hurt anyone or leave writers without somewhere to be. However that doesn't mean this hasn't effected people that want to write. There might not be many of them, but the creative side of the community is important too, and to not have a dedicated place for them when others do, like the Lore, disrupts other's dedicated places. I've noticed a disturbing occurrence of downright rudeness of people, muting, downvoting, and even rarely leaving rude comments on fanfiction posts. I get it, there's a stigma towards fanfiction, and that people don't want fanfiction, essentially "fake lore," with actual lore discussions, but that doesn't mean you have to be unwelcoming. Writers are part of the community, and should have somewhere to go. My gut tells me that fanfiction being posted in this sub-forum has "disturbed" it in a way... people turned off from posting fanfiction because of a bad reception or no reception at all to their work, and likewise people reluctant to go into the lore-subforum to talk about Lore because of all the fanfiction. I don't totally know. What I do know is that the lack of a place for fanfiction writers is a problem, and that they (we) shouldn't have to deal with this. So I'd like to present r/DestinyJournals.
I'm sure you recognize from the name that's it's a subreddit, and at that, it's one containing a very creative and supportive community of writers. While you'll have to make a reddit account to post there and it's a change of pace from the old Gallery or even here, it's a good place to be. I might start posting there soon myself. The link is right below the title of the post if you want to check it out. Wherever our paths might take us, I hope to see you around, Guardian. Light be with you.
I don't mind "Fan fictions" but I do mind fan fictions that goes against the world. Other than that, I always wanted to write about my character's own journey because she's just a blank slate with nothing going for her.
Modifié par WiErDScIeNcE11 : 2/17/2019 12:25:25 AMHere’s the thing, many of the fanfic writers are also big Lore posters by removing them you remove lots of the Lore posts in itself. This is a double edge sword really... With that said, people need to know how to separate there posts and put them on a time table to prevent spam... [spoiler]Sips Tea[/spoiler]
[i]Well this is embarrassing[/i]
Modifié par Cyfer : 2/17/2019 10:30:23 PMI've just recently joined r/DestinyJournals myself and posted my newest short story there. It's a super chill place and I highly recommend it. Of course I will post my stuff here on the forum too, but with all the recent changes it's not ideal. At least on reddit, writers are accepted with open arms. Thanks for raising awareness of this quaint community.
Some of us won't be going anywhere.
Yes, please stop polluting the lore tab.
Deport all the shitty fan fics
Prosper in your new haven. I shall stay behind, to guide those souls who remain here