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2/18/2019 4:34:14 PM

-=Anthem=- Our Destiny clan (WTF-WeTheFools) will support Anthem!

If you know that you are going to be playing Anthem when it releases on February 22nd then think about joining us fOoLs! :D Who ¿ We are WeTheFools / WTF. We are "fools!" Our Destiny clan has been going strong for 3 years or so now. A lot of us fools have been Destiny players since the D1 Alpha. We are respectable fools who don't back stab, love to laugh, and above all have respect/are not rude. We are a non-toxic environment. Yah gotta be able to take a joke though! Why Anthem and why WeTheFools ¿ Anthem will be the first game that WTF officially supports other then Destiny! We are really excited about it. It has "staying power" (aside from the loading screens) but of course only time will tell how good it will be in the long run. We see the Anthem experience as another game that will only be stronger when played with reliable, good team mates that you can enjoy playing with! Love Destiny? Think you'll love Anthem? A perfect pairing no? What about Destiny ¿ Destiny will always be WTF's foundation and that will not change. WTF always has been and will stay a Destiny clan. But we are going to start officiallly "supporting" Anthem as well. How does Anthem's clan system work ¿ At the moment. . . no one knows! Anthem will have an "Alliance system." However, all information thus far says that it will not be fully realized when Anthem releases. Except for some info that when you play with other Alliance members that you may get a little bit of extra stuff. But no specifics have been released. What's the purpose of having a "clan" for Anthem then? You want to hop onto Anthem and play with randoms? Or, would you prefer to hop onto Anthem and play with people you know, are relaxed with, and know are "good peeps?" We'd prefer the second option as well! We will play with anyone and are NOT an elitist clan. But it's great to play with friends! If you are looking for an Anthem "clan/alliance" then ask yo join us! How to join WTF ¿ I want to become a fOoL! Anthem releases on February 22nd. WHen it does, it sounds as though there will be no "in-game" support for clans/alliances. Thus... I am posting this here! Please request to join our clan here (as our WTF I clan is full, you would be asking to join our WTF II clan) WTF I... WTF II? How do you guys communicate and how would this work for another game¿ We use Discord. We have an entire "WTF-Anthem" Discord server up and running! No matter how the Anthem clan/Alliance system ends up working out, we will have our WTF-Anthem Discord server for communication! You can chat it up in there and tell everyone "jumping on, anyone want to do a Stronghold?" fOoLs will respond and you can meet up in-game! Plenty of good peeps to talk to about Anthem as well about anything, or to get advice on Javelins, builds, best play methods, etc. Check us out! Hope to see you starside Guardians... er... I mean Freelancers? LET'S GO! Join us fOoLs here!

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