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Destiny 2

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2/24/2019 8:41:39 PM

RNG for worthy items not shaders and base Titles

[spoiler]It's a rant post... just venting my frustrations lol. [/spoiler]I've played this game a lot and I'm on these forums a lot too (a bit too much). I have all the strike catalysts and have completed all of them. I have all but 1 exotic (excluding quest specific ones like TLW and Malfeasance) I have 650 on all three characters with comfortable alternate loadouts. I have the Loaded Questions and Breakneck. I have completed SOTP 11 times and Last Wish 8. [spoiler](I have nearly all that I need from both, explains the low numbers. Still run them weekly though for fun.) [/spoiler] I have 1KV and Anarchy. I have Wayfarer and Cursebreaker. [spoiler](close with Blacksmith, stuck with timegating for Chronicler, still need Malfeasance to complete Dredgen along with Light v Light, and I am not going for Rivensbane or Unbroken. Unbroken players = Respect)[/spoiler] I have 57000 triumph score. I have +19 score for Nightfalls. I have 2360/2484 collections items and have fully completed 6/10 badges. [spoiler](1 item away from Black Armory and Forsaken exotic and need to do LW more regularly for that Badge.)[/spoiler] I have all EP items, almost all Nightfall weapons (missing 1 I believe). I have 560,000 kills in my account. hmmmm..... [quote]I have done 93 Gofannon forges and 58 Bergusia forges (72 Volunder and 31 Izanami) That's close to or over 200 frames. I, at this point, am closing in on 100 Hand Cannon Frame and over a dozen or so of the sniper frame. I have used Forge Polymer on nearly all of my Gofannon forges.... [spoiler]House of Meyrin is the last thing I need to complete the Black Armory Badge.[/spoiler] [i]... and my fortunate RNG refuses to drop the House of Meyrin shader. [/i] [i]This[b] is[/b] a rant of a complaining player and this [b]is [/b]completely unorthodox because who care right. [/i] I am just so unbelievably bummed at the fact that a shader is the hardest, annoying, and most debilitating thing that I can get in this game. A shader that has 4 other counterparts and 1 (Bergusian Night) that is "statistically" harder to get and requires higher skill based tasks to complete.[/quote] The fact that RNG on this lowly Legendary shader has nearly destroyed my faith in this game is very sad (sad for me cuz I'm a bum). Why are higher skill based rewards easier for me to get?! Why are more rewarding items like weapons and armor trivial compared to a run of the mill legendary shader?! If this shader was of the caliber of a prestige raid completion or end game pvp activity then I'd understand because those are HIGH SKILL BASED END GAME ACTIVITIES!! -_- (breath) *o* okay.... The fact that RNG for a shader is blocking me off of completing a triumph, a badge, and a seal and NOT A REWARD FOR A SKILL BASED TRIUMPH LIKE IT SHOULD BE is absolutely insulting for player who have spent more than 50 days in D2 (sad lives we have indeed). I am convinced that there can be nothing done about this and I can do literally 2x more HC and Sniper frames and WILL NEVER see this shader. This is forced gameplay time that my beloved Bungie is just tallying on their big white board. If this was time spent doing hardend end game content that is exciting and replayable then I would be fine adding my time to that board, BUT ITS NOT ITS FOR A -BLAMING- SHADER. I want to remain positive and faithful to this game, I love it after all and we are always critical of the things we love. There are so many ups and downs with this game but I keep on playing it because in many ways Destiny 2 is a lot of fun and how it connects players is very engaging. Bungie used to be this inspiring force to me even as far back as Marathon, and now... Idk anymore :( I shutter at the thought of what will come with Season of the Drifter and Penumbra. [spoiler]praise be to RNJesus [/spoiler]

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