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3/1/2019 6:46:56 AM

I Am an Awoken Man Story

I am an Awoken man Hunter I don't remember my past life before I was a guardian other then my name Loopy not a normal name I know but I knew it was my name. Since I became a guardian I've done so much for the city I went into the Black Garden and and destroyed it I thought I won that I saved the city but I was wrong the Vault of Glass I went in with 5 other guardians one being my best friend Dolly we beat the Vault of Glass and when we did I got a gun called Vex Mythoclast it was my first Exotic weapon and it was strong for a long time I never took it off then for awhile nothing was really happening dolly and I kept doing stuff trying to push back the darkness anyway we can.... Okay this is the first part to hopefully many parts I hope you guys like it and I know I didn't add punctuation or any of that I'm sorry I hope you guys like it still though

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