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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Magandus : 4/15/2019 1:16:49 PM

Petition for COMPETITIVE

I’ve been playing comp for 1 month for the first time in d2. It’s very good for players do not want to play against noobs all the time but there is a lot of lacking sides in comp. These are the results of observation from my experiences in competitive. Nothing down there is related with rage, toxicity or getting wrecked by enemy team. •Please make competitive maps which won’t push the players to play only hand cannon/shotgun (it’s so boring to always play against same loadouts. Unlike quickplay, there shouldn’t be a meta at comp) •Remove heavy spawns completely or make it 1 or 2 heavy spawn per match(using heavy ammo requires 0 skill and it breaks the competitive side of the game) •Please nerf the spectral blades or do something related, it’s broken (I want that as a hunter nightstalker user, it is the most broken super in the game ruins the competitive side and it is not enjoyable at all) •You gotta do something about armors while super active. (People should be punished by getting wrecked (like back in d1) if they cast their supers like an idiot at the middle of the whole freaking team. Bcs they most likely undefeatable without strong teamshooting or wardcliff coil) •Countdown game mode (especially at vostok and meltdown) is the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had as a 5 years destiny player. Just do something positive about it. •While we got super regen mods for armors, extend the general super regen time just in competitive. Farming people by super trains is for quickplay not the game should be competitive. •And please put some notice or warning on the screen for the players to join team voice channel. •Do something about matchmaking. Playing the same mode 3-4 times in a row is really bad experience. Competitive is cool but it requires adjustments. It’s not about gaining or loosing points. It’s about the enjoyment of playing against skilled and good players.

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