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4/18/2019 11:56:03 PM

[PS3][PS4] The Taken King did not transfer, but House of Wolves did

I was a Destiny fan. I liked what House of Wolves was offering and I bought it. I was skeptical with the price of The Taken King when it came out, but before the end of the summer I bought it too. Then when Destiny 2 came out, I bought the deluxe edition and have played it since. However, a few days ago someone I know on PS4 decided they would start playing Destiny again on PS4 (they never had it on PS3 like me). Shocked, I decided that I would just need to buy a recycled version of Destiny for PS4 (as I was on PS3 only). I knew I already had the House of Wolves and The Taken King so I assumed all would be good. Off I went to the local EB Games, and got the last copy of Destiny (recycled) for $14.99 (Destiny 2 brand new was $4.99 lmao). I got home, installed it, then launched it. Upon entry, I went through the character transfer screen. Seemed like it was working! I checked my armour, I still had The Taken King armour on I had from the last time I played (eons ago). I checked the Vestian Outpost to see if I had House of Wolves privilege, and that was a yes. But then it hit the fan, and hard. The game showed that I had unlocked all The Taken King mission nodes (Yes, I've killed Oryx), but they were locked. The game prompted me to purchase The Taken King... AGAIN. Angry that I can't access what I've previously bought, I went over to Playstation Support. I talked to a guy named Daniels, he was not too sure overall and directed me here. In my purchased items under Destiny on the PS4, it only shows House of Wolves, not The Taken King. I've restored licenses and The Taken King is still not showing up. Now I'm stuck with a game I already have played and owned on PS3, with the lesser important of the 2 DLCs. I really should not need to purchase the same DLC. SOS; Please help!

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