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Modifié par JonnyMadDog1 : 4/25/2019 6:44:22 PM

Less virtue-signalling, more vice-signalling. Also, STOP THE SPIN in the wake of TRAGEDIES (ALL SIDES)!!!

R I P to the victims both in N Z and in S L and it sucks to see historic buildings burn, be they religious or secular in-mind when created, here or there, but this user has a serious tiff with some people, even ones this user used to follow a lot and agree with 80-20ish on issues... It is NOT WISE to engage in a fit of 'whataboutisms', that is a recipe for 'internet bloodsports' by way of agitprop agents/State actors/actresses. For example: 'Waaah, the Democrips said 'EastrWorshipprs' instead of Chrstians because they don't wanna admit Chrstians are persecuted everywhere and RELIGONOFPIIIIIIIECE!!!111oneoneoneone' AND... 'Waaah, the WASHTIMES, the mainstream 'right-wing' equivalent of the WASHPO used the term 4-5 years ago after an attack and yal Dumpers didn't say anything about that, what about that!? Oh, and The Dump didn't say Chrstians EITHER on Twittr, SO HYPOCRITESSSSSssszzz /slither!!!' 'All religions suck, go atheist!!!' Then the OUGHTs come out of 'needa grow the government to take away the guns', and 'needa grow the government to kick out and keep out the browniez'. The bodies aren't even COLD AND BURIED OR BRNED YET!!!!!!! Guess what???? EVERY ORGANIZED RELIGION has had so-called adherents by either their own tongue or by another that have committed crimes against humanity either in some agnostic moral code violations separate from religious frameworks or within them, even their own, whatever one subscribes to, even atheists. Cynicism, naivete, sycophantry, and nihilism and hedonism know no bounds, sociopathy and psychopathy know no such bounds!!! Sociopaths are made, psychopaths are born. There may always be such risk. Trying to 'game the system' or create one to game or not is the problem. NO.SOCIAL-ENGINEERING.IS.REQUIRED!!! Problem-reaction-solutionism by Deep State actors that play BOTH/ALL sides, aside, more freedom is what this user believes is needed because less freedom is what the terrorists want, and the so-called antiterrorist faction ALSO want less freedom as the ANSWER!!!! Asinine....asiten, asieleven, asitwelve... To be able to have the options, the polycentricity in credit, arbitration, and defense, to get what resources one wants/needs at a cost and risk they are fine with in a voluntary transaction with another individual valuing different things they may have differently and hammering out the value of competing currencies at the individual level is a recipe for peace, maintaining peace. Eliminating the push-pull factors of a given conundrum that psychopaths exploit and creates sociopaths is the issue. Don't fight the systems illegitimate, render them obsolete in the agora with new technology and free trade proponents. Absolute security is BULSHYT! Peace-of-mind is subjective and what all really want. Trying to enforce a State, a monopoly on credit, arbitration, and defense in a given region, to rule over 300 million or 7 billion people with different values and views at the individual level SCREWS PEOPLE OVER at the behest of those on a quest to game the system of nature and bypass scarcity and provide some sort of security for some group at the chagrin of others. This does not need to happen!!!! Society is NOT a zero-sum game of groups, let alone of ones of arbitrary characteristics one had no control over by birth! A freer environment means more flowing of ideas and that of peace and prosperity whereas ignorance breeds contempt. Shutting off N K or someplace like that from the world breeds hatred in their hearts but for this 'modern West' (another buzzword, Western, these people knew how and what cavemen in the East and West thought years ago???? There's no black or white culture, those are colloquialisms to define sub-races of humanity and claiming computers or some such object is the intellectual property of that race as an example of 'white culture' or rap music is the property of 'black culture' and to suggest otherwise is 'cultural appropriation' is playing the SAME GAME the SJWs do, and these people claim to be ANTI-SJW and 'conservative'????? Same Mrxist trash infiltrating the 'right' in the form of identitarianism. It doesn't work and is UNHEALTHY!!!) Ultimately it's laziness and fear wanting to NOT think critically about a person and judge at first glance by stripe color whether friend or foe. One can be in the KoC and be an abuser and one can be an agnostic or atheist and not be a murdrer and one can be a Muzzie and not be a terrorist and one can be a Gew and be a fascist!!! Get it??? Got it??? GUCCI! /rant Peace, Luv, and Anarchy!

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