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5/23/2019 1:33:06 PM

Alright offtopic game on! (Week 1)

Hey all. I have created a new game for the offtopic community. Every week i will post up 10 quotes from film, tv and video games in different eras and you job is to guess where they came from. Bonus points on who says these quotes. Good luck! 1. "For if a man plays the fool then its only fools he will persuade, but appear to be the devil then all men will submit." 2. "He's knocking on the sky" 3. "I like the way you die boy" 4. "You big stupid jellyfish" 5. "Put something on the end of it!!!" 6. "What about the core?" "There is no core" 7. "I seem to be a little plastered hahahahaha" 8. "Thats retired" "oh i thought you said tired" "now you mention it i do feel a little tired" 9. "You say that alot" "say what?" "Indeed" "do i?" "Yes" "hmmm i have never noticed that" 10. "I like shorts they are comfy and easy to wear"

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